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Grant Payments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 December 2004

Thursday, 9 December 2004

Questions (182)

Michael Ring


179 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo did not receive suckler cow premium or extensification payment on a particular animal. [32830/04]

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The person named applied for premium on two animals under the 2004 suckler cow premium scheme. At an inspection of her herd on 22 July 2004, it was found that one animal born in March 2004 and bearing tag number 272234850025 was not registered on the Department's cattle movement monitoring system, CMMS. Even though this animal was not part of the suckler cow application, EU rules mean that its non-compliance with identification and registration requirements will result in a penalty being applied to all bovine schemes for which applications have been submitted. This penalty will be calculated in accordance with paragraphs 42 and 43 of the terms and conditions of the scheme and will apply at balancing payment stage.

The herd owner was informed of this on 4 November 2004 and advised that she could have the decision reviewed by contacting her district livestock office. She has not sought a review to date. In the meantime, the application is being processed for the 60% advance instalment in respect of the two animals and this payment will issue shortly. Balancing payments will start in March or April 2005.

The person named has submitted an application under the 2004 extensification premium scheme. Payments under this scheme are due to commence in June 2005. The application will be considered in due course and any extensification premium payment due will also be subjected to an identification and registration penalty in the same proportion as is applied to the 2004 suckler cow premium payment.
