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Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 December 2004

Thursday, 9 December 2004

Questions (210)

Olwyn Enright


207 Ms Enright asked the Minister for Education and Science if any evaluation has been undertaken of the number of schools that are accessible and inaccessible to persons with disabilities; the findings of any such evaluation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32844/04]

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The Department of Education and Science has not conducted an evaluation of the type referred to by the Deputy. All new schools building projects have the appropriate access facilities required in compliance with building regulations. The scope of works to older school buildings, to which the Deputy refers, is appropriate for consideration under the summer works scheme.

Under the 2004 scheme, necessary access enabling projects in applicant schools were completed at a cost of over €2.2 million. I intend that the position will be the same under the 2005 scheme. I have almost doubled the funding available for the summer works scheme this year to €60 million to ensure that the broadest possible range and number of projects will be funded.
