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Environmental Policy.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 14 December 2004

Tuesday, 14 December 2004

Questions (243)

Trevor Sargent


266 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if she will make available to the public the statistical breakdown distinguishing between afforestation on peat soils and those planted on mineral soils according to the grant application forms as per her recent reply to this Deputy. [33326/04]

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As the Deputy is aware, a recent report by the European Environmental Agency, based on satellite imagery, suggested that 84% of planting since 1990 has taken place on peatlands. This figure simply does not correspond in any way to the information available to my Department. Earlier examinations indicate a much lower figure to that quoted in the EEA report.

The Forest Service is currently conducting further analyses of all the available information on the breakdown between afforestation on peat soils and those planted on mineral soils. These analyses will include information taken from grant application forms, but more importantly will make use of scientifically obtained soils data. I will be very happy to make public all the relevant information once the investigation is complete.
