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Special Educational Needs.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 14 December 2004

Tuesday, 14 December 2004

Questions (354)

Jan O'Sullivan


377 Ms O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Education and Science if special needs assistants will be kept in schools in situations in which the children they are assisting leave the school and new children will require a similar level of assistance; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33523/04]

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Special needs assistants, SNAs, may be approved to support pupils who have a significant medical need for such assistance, a significant impairment of physical or sensory function or where their behaviour is such that they are a danger to themselves or other pupils. The criteria used for the assessment of the need for such support are outlined in my Department's circular 07/02.

Where the care needs of a pupil are verified by my Department's professionals, schools may deploy the existing SNA under the terms of my Department's circular SP ED 24/03, until such time as a determination as to the appropriate level of SNA support within the school has been conveyed to the school authority.
