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Refugee Status.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 January 2005

Thursday, 27 January 2005

Questions (156)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


155 Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he met with the Waterford Congress of Trade Unions regarding the planned deportation of a person (details supplied) when in Waterford on 24 January 2005; and if not, the reason therefor. [2228/05]

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The position is that the person concerned arrived in the State on 16 May 2001 and claimed asylum.

She was notified by letter of 1 February 2002, that the Refugee Applications Commissioner was recommending that she be refused refugee status. Her subsequent appeal was refused. She was notified of my decision not to grant her refugee status by letter of 28 August 2002. The letter also informed her that she had three options open to her, that is, leave the State before the Minister made a deportation in respect of her; consent to the making of a deportation order in respect of her; or make written representations, within 15 working days, to the Minister setting out reasons as to why she should not be deported, that is, why she should be allowed to remain temporarily in the State.

Her application was examined under section 3 of the Immigration Act 1999 and section 5 of the Refugee Act 1996 — prohibition of refoulement— and full consideration was given to all representations received on her behalf, including statements about her medical, family and domestic circumstances.

On 19 November 2004, I signed a deportation order in respect of her. The order was recently served by registered post requiring her to report to the Garda National Immigration Bureau on Thursday, 27 January 2005.

I wish to state that I did not meet the Waterford Congress of Trade Unions regarding the planned deportation in this case on my recent visit to Waterford. I did, however, meet the person concerned and I agreed to review her case. I have asked the Garda national immigration bureau to request her to report to them again in three weeks' time when she presents on 27 February 2005. In the meantime, I will review her case and communicate the outcome of my decision to her directly.
