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Water Quality.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 January 2005

Thursday, 27 January 2005

Questions (53)

Michael D. Higgins


46 Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if her attention has been drawn to the non-compliance of the Government with European directives on the conservation of protected species in the Owenriff river; the action she proposes to take regarding the source of this problem and its implications for Lough Corrib; if the forestry division of her Department has examined such recent research as is relevant in relation to the contribution of forestry to the ecological crisis facing some species in the river; if she proposes to meet with persons concerned from the communities and interests affected; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30943/04]

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I refer the Deputy to my reply of 9 December 2004 in which I dealt in detail with the various issues raised in this question. In my response I referred to the concerns expressed by the Carra-Mask-Corrib water protection group and to a meeting held on 24 November 2004 with various Ministers, including me, to discuss the situation regarding the western lakes. Since then, a further meeting was held on 17 January 2005 which was attended by representatives of the Carra-Mask-Corrib group, Coillte Teoranta, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and my Department. The meeting was chaired by Minister of State, Deputy Fahey. Representatives of the group repeated their urgent concerns in respect of water quality in the lakes. Coillte outlined current forest practice in the area and I understand that there was a useful exchange of views.

In so far as forestry is concerned, it was agreed that Coillte would continue to liaise with the water protection group and would arrange field visits. It was also noted that Owenriff working group was expected to report on that particular catchment within the next few months and that the lessons learned there could be applied to the other catchments, as necessary. On broader issues surrounding water quality, it was felt that the managing authority for the western river basin district would have an important role to play here and I understand this avenue will be explored further.
