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Site Acquisitions.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 2 February 2005

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

Questions (266)

Paul McGrath


326 Mr. P. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science if she will report on the provision of an Educate Together primary school in the Castaheany area, Dublin 15; and if the site has been acquired by her Department. [3032/05]

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The property management section of the Office of Public Works, which acts on behalf of my Department in respect of site acquisitions generally, is in negotiations for the purchase of a site for the provision of an Educate Together primary school in the Castaheany area of Dublin 15. Due to the commercial sensitivities of site acquisitions, it is not proposed at this stage to identify specific sites to be acquired. However, this information will be placed on my Department's website when the relevant acquisitions have been completed.

The question of the advancement of a new school building for the area will be considered in the context of the schools building and modernisation under public private partnerships; an expansion of the number of schools that will be invited to deliver their building projects on the basis of devolved funding; details of schools with projects approved under the 2005 summer works scheme; schools whose projects will further progress through the design process; and schools that will be authorised to commence architectural planning. I will be making announcements in respect of these matters in the near future.
