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Foreign Conflicts.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 2 February 2005

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

Questions (88)

Phil Hogan


117 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the security and political situation in Iraq; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2661/05]

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The security situation in Iraq has continued to be a source of great concern. After something of a lull following operations in Fallujah, violent attacks in Iraq have increased in intensity again. This was expected in the lead-up to the elections on 30 January. There appeared to be a shift in focus away from attacks on US and international forces, although these continued, and instead increasing attacks on officials and security forces of the interim Iraqi government. The clear intention seems to be to hinder the extent to which Iraqi forces can take over security duties from international forces.

In addition, there was a substantial level of attacks and intimidation aimed at officials and candidates preparing for the Iraqi elections. Significant threats were also made against Iraqis planning to vote and on the election day a number of attacks were made on polling places and on voters themselves.

I refer the Deputy to my earlier replies to questions today in regard to the holding of the elections, the next steps to be taken and the Government's views.
