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Redundancy Payments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 February 2005

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Questions (275)

Phil Hogan


328 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when a redundancy payment will be made to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford in respect of a company; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3395/05]

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From inquiries made in the redundancy section of my Department, the position is that no claim for statutory redundancy has been received in respect of the person concerned. When a redundancy arises in an employment, the employer pays the employee statutory redundancy in the first instance. If the person concerned feels he or she is entitled to a statutory redundancy payment, he or she should apply to his or her former employer for a redundancy payment. If his or her former employer cannot afford to pay but gives him or her the necessary statutory forms showing that he or she paid him or her a nil amount, I can arrange for payment of his or her statutory redundancy entitlement to be made to him or her direct from the social insurance fund. If, however, the employer refuses to give him or her the necessary forms to claim his or her lump sum, it is open to him or her to bring a claim against his or her employer before the Employment Appeals Tribunal for a decision in the matter. I have arranged to have the appropriate form for bringing a claim before the tribunal sent to the person in question. If the tribunal awards him a statutory redundancy payment, again, I can arrange for payment to be made out of the social insurance fund on foot of the tribunal order.
