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Road Safety.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 February 2005

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Questions (320)

Cecilia Keaveney


373 Cecilia Keaveney asked the Minister for Transport if he has any role in regard to road safety and the development of policy for same; the need for the introduction of a mandatory code to ensure that all traffic islands located on roads have reflective strips attached as well as regularly checked lights; and if he will make a statement on the need for legislation or regulation on this matter. [3998/05]

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As Minister for Transport, my remit includes responsibility for road safety policy. My Department recently published the road safety strategy for 2004 to 2006 which outlines a range of road safety measures that will be pursued over the period in question.

In overall terms, measures will focus on the areas of education, enforcement, engineering and legislation and will target the key areas of speeding, driving while intoxicated and seat-belt wearing. The strategy was developed by the high-level group on road safety which is chaired by my Department and comprises representatives of all the road safety agencies and Departments. The agencies and Departments represented on the high-level group on road safety are responsible for implementing specific measures in the strategy which are within the remit of each organisation.

Responsibility for traffic management, including the provision and maintenance of traffic islands on the public road network, is a matter for the road authorities. Guidelines regarding lighting and signing of traffic islands are contained in the traffic management guidelines issued in May 2003 jointly by my Department, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Dublin Transportation Office.

I understand from the NRA that in late 2004 it awarded two contracts for the maintenance of traffic calming installations on national roads. As part of these contracts, all traffic calming islands will be routinely cleaned. Kerbs facing traffic will be painted with reflective black and yellow paint. Bulbs will be checked in lighting columns and bollards and will be replaced where necessary. In addition to this, there is a facility for local authorities to call out the contractor who covers their area if repairs are needed between the routine visits.

My Department is carrying out a review of the traffic signs manual in conjunction with the NRA and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The current signing of traffic islands on national and non-national roads will be considered in the course of this review. Copies of the guidelines and manual to which I have referred are available in the Oireachtas Library. It would be premature to make any decisions on investment in additional capacity until my Department is satisfied that existing resources are being utilised in the most efficient and effective manner.
