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Physical Education Facilities.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 February 2005

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Questions (426)

Jimmy Deenihan


479 Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding the provision of a sports hall and other sporting facilities at the north campus of the Institute of Technology, Tralee, County Kerry; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3558/05]

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The institute of technology in Tralee is currently commencing construction of a grass pitch and all-weather pitch on its north campus. This project, which is due for completion in 2005-06, has been partly funded by my Department.

The recent third level capital review, chaired by Mr Kevin Kelly, has recommended the provision of a new health and leisure studies building in Institute of Technology, Tralee, in the period 2006-08. In November 2004, I announced the end of the freeze on third level capital funding when I gave immediate approval for key projects in the third level sector. The projects selected have been identified as being of a high national priority and include a number of new facilities to support the provision of additional health skills places and the expansion of teacher training places. I also announced the re-introduction of a devolved grant scheme for minor capital works in the institutes of technology sector and I am pleased to advise that IT Tralee received funding under the scheme.

These announcements are the first steps in the process of addressing the infrastructural deficit in the third level sector. There are many further higher education projects recommended for funding in the Kelly report, including projects at IT Tralee, and I will be considering how best to advance a number of these projects in the context of the capital envelope of funding available to me.
