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Violence Against Women.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 March 2005

Tuesday, 1 March 2005

Questions (83, 84)

Jimmy Deenihan


140 Mr. Deenihan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if progress has been made regarding improvement of the forensic medical examination services; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6524/05]

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Following a recommendation from the National Steering Committee on Violence against Women that the need for additional sexual assault units around the country should be examined by my Department, I have established a committee under the chairmanship of a senior official of my Department to consider the matter. The first meeting of this group took place on the 24 February 2005. The committee is representative of the relevant statutory, voluntary and professional interests and will report to me, and to the national steering committee as soon as possible.

Jimmy Deenihan


141 Mr. Deenihan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if she intends to re-examine funding for the rape crisis centres; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [6525/05]

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The National Steering Committee on Violence against Women was established following the report of the task force on violence against women in 1997. Its purpose is to provide a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency and cohesive response to the problem of violence against women and it is chaired by the Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

My Department does not directly fund or co-ordinate health and personal social services to victims of abuse. Moneys are made available each year, formerly through the health boards, and now through the Health Service Executive, for the provision of services to women victims of violence. In recent years there has been a substantial increase in funding so that now more than €12 million is provided annually for the provision of such services. The distribution of this funding is now a matter for the Health Service Executive. I have asked my Department, together with the Health Service Executive, to undertake an analysis of the current level of service provision in this area with a view to planning future service needs.
