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Inland Fisheries.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 May 2005

Thursday, 5 May 2005

Questions (151, 152)

Dan Boyle


99 Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the status of a report (details supplied) on inland fisheries; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14546/05]

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I have recently received the report from the consultants and I am currently considering its findings. It is my intention to bring this report to Government in the near future and to have it published as soon as possible. Until such time as the report is presented to Government I am not in a position to report on its recommendations or provide a copy to the Deputy.

Question No. 100 answered with QuestionNo. 50.
Question No. 101 answered with QuestionNo. 80.

Joe Costello


102 Mr. Costello asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he will make a statement on the ongoing difficulties in the scallop fishery in Waterford and the south-east; his views on solutions to the present effort and capacity issues. [14378/05]

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While I acknowledge that there are some difficulties being experienced by scallop fishermen in the south east it is important to set out the background to the current issues arising for the scallop fishing sector. In November 2003 a new regime to manage fishing effort in western waters for a number of fisheries including scallops was agreed. The purpose of this regime is to manage access to waters and resources and provide for the sustainable pursuit of fishing activities. It should also be noted that there are currently no catch limits on scallops and that fishing effort is the only management tool available to limit the exploitation of these vulnerable stocks.

The new fishing effort ceiling for the scallop fishery established in June 2004 under this regime was based, as for all other fisheries, on the average of the fishing effort levels for the reference period 1998-2002. This resulted in a fishing effort ceiling for the scallop fishery of 109,395 kw days inside the biologically sensitive area, the new Irish box, and 525,012 kw days for the rest of area VII. The level of fishing effort exerted by the scallop fleet in the years 2003 and 2004 increased significantly above the ceiling set in the new regime. The level of effort available for 2005 for the Irish fleet is accordingly less than the recent level of fishing effort deployed in the fishery. Ireland has a legal obligation under the new regime for western waters to take active measures to ensure that the ceilings established for all the fisheries with effort ceilings in place under the regulation are fully respected.

My officials and I have held a number of meetings in the last few months with representatives of the scallop fishermen where we have explored the options available to allow for a management system which ensures the fishing effort limits are respected while at the same time a viable scallop fishery can continue into the future. In the event that management measures are not put in place and a free for all operates, it will be necessary to close the fishery when the effort ceilings are reached. I have explained this situation to representatives of the sector and strongly advised them to engage positively with me in order to avoid such a scenario. However, I have not been able so far to secure the involvement of the sector in developing a management regime.

I am continuing to work with the fishermen affected to find an appropriate mechanism for the effective management of this fishery to ensure its viability in the long run. I am hopeful that we will be able to put in place a management system which uses the available effort to the best advantage of the industry. However, time is running out and the options available are considerably reduced as the year progresses. I urge the sector to engage positively with myself and my officials in order to deliver a regime taking all circumstances into account.
