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Community Employment Schemes.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 May 2005

Tuesday, 10 May 2005

Questions (197)

Phil Hogan


248 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will review the capping of community employment schemes; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14979/05]

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On foot of a review of FÁS employment schemes, which included detailed consultations with the social partners, I decided that with effect from 10 November 2004 the three-year cap would be removed for community employment, CE, participants aged 55 or over. Such participants are now eligible to participate on CE for a maximum of six years. The extension of the participation period from three to six years for over 55s should ensure the availability of sufficient clients to fill the available places. The continuation of ring fencing and prioritisation for the essential services of child care, health-related services and drugs task force clients, and the extended participation on CE by older workers will help to secure the continuity of community services generally.
