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Grant Payments.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 4 May 2006

Thursday, 4 May 2006

Questions (174, 175, 176, 177, 178)

Paul Connaughton


172 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason entitlements in the name of a person (details supplied) in County Galway has not been consolidated to persons has not been consolidated to; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16745/06]

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Written answers

The persons named submitted a Single Payment Scheme application on 11 May 2005 under herd number G2321032. They had established 153.72 entitlements under this herd number and having processed the application a payment in the amount €48,964.95 in respect of 134.59 entitlements issued on 16 December 2005. This payment represented the 134.59 eligible hectares declared on their 2005 Single Payment Scheme application.

An application to consolidate the 153.72 entitlements down to 134.59 entitlements under herd number G 2321032 was processed and a supplementary payment in the amount of €6,959.74 in respect of the 134.59 consolidated entitlements issued on 19 January 2006.

An application to transfer entitlements from herd number X 1170800 to herd number G 2321032 was received on 9 February 2006. These entitlements have now been transferred to herd number G 2321032 and the payment in respect of these entitlements will issue in the coming days.

The persons named also submitted an application for an allocation of entitlements from the Single Payment Scheme National Reserve under Category B.

Category B caters for farmers who, between 1 January 2000 and 19 October 2003, made an investment in production capacity in a farming sector for which a direct payment under Livestock Premia and/or Arable Aid schemes would have been payable during the reference period 2000- 2002. Investments can include purchase or long-term lease of land, purchase of suckler and/or ewe quota or other investments.

This case has been processed to completion and the persons named have now been granted an allocation. The National Reserve allocation has been applied to the consolidated entitlements. A formal letter setting out the details of this allocation will issue shortly.

If the persons named are dissatisfied with my Department's decision they will have the opportunity to appeal the decision to the Independent Appeals Committee. An appeals application is available from any of my Department's offices or on the Department website at

Paul Connaughton


173 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason entitlements earned in the name of a person (details supplied) in County Galway has not been transferred to a person; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16746/06]

View answer

The inheritance application submitted in this case has been successfully processed. The person involved is in the process of obtaining a Herd Number, and once this has been accomplished his Single Payment will issue.

Paul Connaughton


174 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason entitlements under the single farm payment have not been made available to a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16747/06]

View answer

The person named submitted a Private Contract Clause application to transfer 5.57 of his 19.84 entitlements by way of a lease agreement under the 2005 Single Payment Scheme. The application was successful, and the entitlements were transferred to the lessee. The applicant has been fully paid on his remaining 14.27 entitlements under the 2005 Single Payment Scheme.

Paul Connaughton


175 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a decision will be made on an application for single farm payment entitlements from the National Reserve by a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16748/06]

View answer

The person named submitted an application for an allocation of entitlements from the Single Payments Scheme National Reserve under category D.

Category D caters for farmers who commenced farming after 31 December 2002 or who commenced farming in 2002 but who received no direct payments in respect of that scheme year.

The person named has been notified that the circumstances outlined by him did not satisfy the criteria for allocation of entitlements under National Reserve.

Following this decision the person named submitted an appeal to my Department enclosing additional documentary evidence in support of his application. My Department will now re-examine the National Reserve application in light of the new evidence provided and if the original decision is unchanged following this re-examination the case will then be forwarded to the Independent Single Payment Appeals Committee who will carry out a full review of the case. The person named will be notified of the outcome.

Paul Connaughton


176 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the result of an application for extra entitlements from the national reserve by a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16749/06]

View answer

The person named submitted an application for an allocation of entitlements from the Single Payment Scheme National Reserve under Category B.

Category B caters for farmers who, between 1 January 2000 and 19 October 2003, made an investment in production capacity in a farming sector for which a direct payment under Livestock Premia and/or Arable Aid schemes would have been payable during the reference period 2000- 2002. Investments can include purchase or long-term lease of land, purchase of suckler and/or ewe quota or other investments.

This case has been processed to completion and the person named has now been granted an allocation. A formal letter setting out the details of this allocation will issue shortly.

If the person named is dissatisfied with my Department's decision he will have the opportunity to appeal the decision to the Independent Appeals Committee. An appeals application is available from any of my Department's offices or on the Department website at
