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Local Authority Housing.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 June 2006

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Questions (413, 414)

Bernard J. Durkan


450 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will initiate an accelerated local authority house building programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22822/06]

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Bernard J. Durkan


453 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of local authority houses built by the various local authorities and excluding construction by the voluntary or charitable sectors throughout the country in each of the past five years; the number of applicants on local authority housing waiting lists; if a projection has been carried out to reduce the waiting lists appreciably; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22825/06]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 450 and 453 together.

The most recent assessment of need for social housing was undertaken by local authorities in March 2005 indicated that there were 43,684 households on local authority waiting lists compared with 48,413 in March 2002 — a decrease of almost 10%. Information on the number of local authority housing units constructed each year for the past five years up to the end of September 2005 is published in my Department's Annual Bulletins of Housing Statistics and is also available on my Department's website at Information for the full year 2005 will be published shortly in my Department's Annual Bulletin of Housing Statistics and on the Department's website. In December 2005, the Government launched a new Housing Policy Framework: Building Sustainable Communities which outlines key principles underpinning housing policy and investment over the coming years. Substantial increased investment in social and affordable housing is outlined in the framework. This will allow for some 23,000 new social homes to be commenced between 2006 and 2008; and some 15,000 affordable homes to be delivered. In total, some 50,000 households will benefit over the coming three years from an Exchequer capital investment package of close to €4 billion. Allied to this, a package of reforms is proposed to improve equity, efficiency and effectiveness. The focus is on improving community participation, improving services to ensure personal choice, autonomy and responsibility. The overall impact of these measures will impact positively on waiting lists for social and affordable housing. I recently informed local authorities of their financial allocations for their local authority housing programmes and have urged them to accelerate progress on the implementation of their housing programmes in order to commence construction and secure completion on as many social housing schemes as possible in 2006. The total allocation for 2006 is €942 million. This should allow for the completion of over 5,000 housing units in 2006.
