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Special Educational Needs.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 July 2006

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

Questions (46)

Kathleen Lynch


49 Ms Lynch asked the Minister for Education and Science if her Department will provide for training for boards of management of schools on disability issues and inclusion; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [25916/06]

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The Teacher Education Section of my Department is currently developing a new model of support for the provision of training for Boards of Management on a range of issues.

My Department provides support to Board of Managements for the professional development of their members, through the Education Centre Network and directly to the school Management Bodies, in order to ensure that they can fully discharge their duties. Following a review of these arrangements, the provision of a more structured form of support to all Board of Managements is currently being developed. This support will involve the provision of funding directly to Board of Managements for the professional development of their members ensuring that they can meet the demands of the positions.

The new model will address the ways in which provision of Board of Management training, which has common strands across the different sectors, may be consolidated to provide for a comprehensive and cohesive approach in meeting the training needs in this area, including the issues mentioned by the Deputy. In this regard, it is envisaged that the support will cover a specific list of issues which will be identified as priorities by the Management Bodies and my Department. It is also envisaged that this approach will closely link with the work currently being done by the various Support Services such as the Leadership Development for Schools, School Development Planning Initiative, Second Level Support Service and the Special Education Support Service.

Finally, I can assure the Deputy that I remain committed to addressing the training needs of Boards of Management and I will be keeping this area under ongoing review.
