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Ulster Canal.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 July 2006

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

Questions (483)

Seymour Crawford


496 Mr. Crawford asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the situation regarding the Ulster Canal; the meetings he or his senior personnel have had with their opposite numbers in Northern Ireland from May to June 2006; if he agrees that the two independent reviews carried out recently are very positive and fully justify the necessary expenditure; if he will insist that this project commence as a matter of urgency; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26371/06]

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In my reply to Question No. 17496/06 dated 10 Bealtaine 2006 I informed the Deputy that I met Mr. David Hanson MP, the then Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, on the 6 March 2006, and that we discussed amongst other issues the possible restoration of the Ulster Canal. We also welcomed the publication of a "Socio Economic Summary Report for the North East and South West Sections of the Ulster Canal" and a feasibility study into the "Reopening of the Ulster Canal" which Waterways Ireland had commissioned at our request.

I since met the new Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, Ms. Maria Eagle MP, on the 19 June 2006, and I took the opportunity, inter alia, to discuss the Ulster Canal with her. Arrangements for a further bilateral meeting with Minister Eagle are being discussed, and I anticipate that such a meeting will afford a further opportunity to advance our consideration of this issue.
