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Telecommunications Services.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 July 2006

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

Questions (699)

Enda Kenny


711 Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Education and Science the name and location of each primary and secondary school in County Mayo that currently has broadband provided; the name and location of each school, primary and second level in County Mayo that does not have broadband access; the reason this has happened; the action she proposes to take regarding same; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26119/06]

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As the Deputy will be aware, my Department is currently engaged in the roll-out of broadband internet connectivity to all recognised primary and post-primary schools. This project is being undertaken in partnership with industry, following the establishment of a three year €18m joint Government — IBEC / TIF (Telecommunications and Internet Federation) Fund. Following a competitive public procurement process, contracts were finalised with a number of service providers for the provision of local broadband access to 3,925 schools, of which 208 schools are in Co. Mayo. The broadband connectivity of a further 75 schools, including 2 in Co. Mayo, was advanced separately under two pilot projects.

As you will see from the details in the attached spreadsheet, 203 of the 210 schools in Co. Mayo have had their broadband service installed, either under the contractual arrangements or under the advance deployment project. Of the remaining 7 schools (details supplied in attached table), two schools have been removed from the project as one school is closing and a further school has amalgamated with another school. Installation has been deferred in another school pending the completion of a building project and the installation in the remaining four schools is being progressed.

Roll No.


County District


S N Ceathrú an Chlochar

County Mayo

Connection is delayed due to a building project at the school, which is due to be completed in March 2007


St. Columba’s N.S.

County Mayo

Basic connectivity (Lot 1) has been installed, there were difficulties encountered when the router installation was attempted. The national helpdesk is pursuing the matter.


Ratheskin N.S.

County Mayo

School was due to close in June 2006. This has now been extended to June 2007.


Annaghmore N.S.

County Mayo

School 13912R merged with 15423M from September 2005


St. Mary’s N.S.

County Mayo

While there was a building project at the school, this has been completed and basic connectivity (Lot 1) has recently been installed. Arrangements are being made in relation to the installation of a router.


Killala N.S.

County Mayo

Connection was delayed due to a building project at the school. This work has now been completed and the national helpdesk is pursuing the matter.


Scoil Íosa

County Mayo

While basic connectivity (Lot 1) has been installed, difficulties were encountered in installing a router. The national helpdesk is pursuing the matter.
