As the Deputy will be aware, the Government's decentralisation programme provides for the relocation of an Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), involving 95 posts, to Clonakilty. BIM will be located, in its own buildings, on a campus style development with my Department's Seafood and Coastal Zone functions. Following a comprehensive consultation process with both BIM and the Department, the Office of Public Works (OPW) has as already secured a site for the Clonakilty Campus. OPW has also awarded a contact for the construction of facilities following a competitive tendering process. I understand that a planning application will be made by OPW in the coming weeks. I also understand that completion time, depending on the progress of the planning process, would be late 2008. I can confirm that BIM management met in the summer with the Government's Decentralisation Implementation Group to provide an update on progress. BIM management are working towards a relocation timetable of 2008. To date, no BIM staff have relocated to Clonakilty. The costs of the decentralisation facilities in Clonakilty is a matter for OPW and the Department of Finance.