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Garda Deployment.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 November 2006

Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Questions (112)

Charlie O'Connor


174 Mr. O’Connor asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will discuss with the Garda authorities the possibility of assigning additional gardaí to Tallaght which is now the third largest population centre in the State; his views on the need for additional Gardaí to work with the community; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38169/06]

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I have been informed by the Garda authorities, who are responsible for the detailed allocation of resources, including personnel, that the personnel strength (all ranks) of An Garda Síochána increased to a record 12,762 on Friday, 8 September, 2006, following the attestation of 249 new members. This compares with a total strength of 10,702 (all ranks) as at 30 June, 1997 and represents an increase of 2,060 (or 19%) in the personnel strength of the Force during that period. The induction of 280 new Garda recruits to the Garda College on 6 November, 2006 has resulted in a combined strength, of both attested Gardaí and recruits in training, of 14,137. The Garda Budget now stands at €1.3 billion, a 13% increase on 2005 and an 85% increase since 1997 in real terms.

I have been further informed that the personnel strength (all ranks) of Tallaght Garda Station as at 31 December, 1997 and 14 November, 2006 was 133 and 173, respectively, representing an increase of 40 (or 30%) in the number of Garda personnel allocated to Tallaght Garda Station during that period.

I am also informed that the personnel strength (all ranks) of the Community Policing Unit at Tallaght Garda Station as at 30 September, 2006 was 23.

Local Garda Management state that Garda resources at Tallaght are further augmented by the Divisional Crime Task Force and the Divisional Traffic Unit. The Garda Dog Unit, Garda Mounted Unit and Garda Air Support Unit are also utilised from time to time.

Garda management state that the situation at Tallaght Garda Station will be kept under review and the needs of the Station will be fully considered within the context of the overall needs of Garda Stations throughout the country.

I should add that it is the responsibility of Garda management to allocate personnel to and within Divisions on a priority basis in accordance with the requirements of different areas. These personnel allocations are determined by a number of factors including demographics, crime trends, administrative functions and other operational policing needs. Garda management state that such allocations are continually monitored and reviewed along with overall policing arrangements and operational strategy. This ensures that optimum use is made of Garda resources, and that the best possible service is provided to the public.
