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Regulation of Small Businesses.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 November 2006

Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Questions (138)

Phil Hogan


200 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the strategy he has developed to reduce the regulatory burden on small business; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38046/06]

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The Business Regulation Forum was established by me in November 2005 and has met ten times to date. Its Terms of Reference are to advise the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment on any changes necessary to ensure that existing or proposed regulations, impacting on business, meet the criteria set out in the White Paper "Regulating Better".

The Forum has initiated a number of actions, as follows, designed to give "hard intelligence" about regulations affecting the business sector, the perceptions of the sector and the burdens imposed:

The Forum is examining 40 submissions that it received in response to a public call.

A consultant was been contracted to map the main regulations that impinge on six selected companies.

A pilot study has been commissioned to measure the administrative cost to business of providing the annual return to the Companies Registration Office and of legislation regarding labelling.

I understand that the Forum intends to issue a progress report to me before the end of 2006 based on their consideration of the activities outlined above.

In addition to the work of the Business Regulation Forum my Department, as well as other relevant Departments and Agencies, is following up on the recommendations of the Small Business Forum, which included measures to address the administrative burden on small business. In this regard legislation is currently before the Oireachtas, to raise the audit exemption thresholds applying to small companies in respect to turnover and balance sheet to €7.3m and €3.65m. respectively. The existing thresholds are €1.5 and €1.9 million respectively. This will remove the compulsory annual audit costs from the very large number of companies qualifying from the enhanced exemption level.

The Company Law Review Group (CLRG) has almost finalised its work on the preparation of the General Scheme of the Heads of the Companies Consolidation and Reform Bill and I understand that it expects to report on its recommendations shortly. The Bill will introduce a greatly simplified legal framework for corporate activity.
