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Proposed Legislation.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 November 2006

Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Questions (48)

Kathleen Lynch


103 Ms Lynch asked the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to his reply to Parliamentary Question No. 14 of 11 October 2006, and other questions on that day, if he will introduce legislation, either primary or secondary, to instruct the Companies Registration Office to obtain in future data regarding the gender and other demographic information of each company director registered with them; if he believes that such information would be useful in targeting training and development efforts at certain sectors of society that are not well represented at company director and officer positions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37751/06]

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I have no plans to introduce additional reporting requirements relating to gender or other demographic information concerning directors of registered companies. Responsibility for gender equality matters generally is the responsibility of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Further to the debate in the House on Parliamentary Question No. 14 of 11 October 2006, the Companies Registration Office have informed me, based on a very preliminary scan of names of company directors, that it appears that about one-third of directors of Irish registered companies are women.
