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School Closures.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 March 2007

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Questions (236)

Paddy McHugh


232 Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for Education and Science if she or her officials are in consultations or discussions with the patron body of a school (details supplied) in County Galway; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [12197/07]

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The Trustees of the school referred to by the Deputy have confirmed their intention to close the school on a phased basis. As the Deputy may be aware, this school is a voluntary secondary school and the decision to withdraw as providers of education is within the remit of the Patron body, that is the Sisters of Mercy.

The Department has been informed by the Sisters of Mercy that the phased closure will commence in September 2007 with no intake of first year students and all junior cycle pupils will be given the option of proceeding to the senior cycle including the opportunity to avail of a transition year.

The Deputy should note that the existing site and school buildings are not in the ownership of the Department. The Trustees have recently reaffirmed to the Department that the current site will not be available for the provision of post-primary education once the school closes.

Having considered the immediate implications of the decision by the Sisters of Mercy, I can confirm that the Department will facilitate the enrolment in the neighbouring Community School of students from the area in question by amending the existing catchment area to allow girls from the Kinvara area attend Gort Community School.

Question No. 233 answered with QuestionNo. 225.