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Schools Building Projects.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 March 2007

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Questions (244)

Paddy McHugh


241 Mr. McHugh asked the Minister for Education and Science further to her reply to Parliamentary Question No. 485 of 6 February 2007, if the transfer of a school site (details supplied) in County Galway to her Department has been completed; the next stage in this project; when it is expected construction of the school will commence; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [12227/07]

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Following a detailed assessment of the school's long term accommodation needs, a decision was taken to provide a new six classroom school. The acquisition of the site adjoining the school has concluded and at present the transfer of the existing school site to the Minister is ongoing. The school building project will be considered for progression in the context of the multi-annual School Building and Modernisation Programme.
