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Stadium Development.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 July 2007

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Questions (46)

Sean Sherlock


46 Deputy Seán Sherlock asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the situation in regard to the dispute over Tallaght Stadium; if it remains his view that the stadium should be a soccer only facility; if he plans to meet any of the parties in relation to the dispute; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19256/07]

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In response to approaches from South Dublin County Council, the FAI and Shamrock Rovers FC, a commitment was given that funding would be provided towards the completion of Tallaght Stadium as a soccer stadium.

I understand that a local GAA club has sought a judicial review of the decision of South Dublin County Council to develop the facility as a soccer facility. It is unfortunate that the matter has become embroiled in a long legal battle and it is my belief that the money and energy being spent by all sides on this judicial review would be far better employed in providing much needed sports facilities in the Tallaght area. My hope would be that the parties involved would resolve this matter amicably and come up with a workable solution whereby sport will be the winner. If I can be of assistance I am happy to use my good offices to try to resolve this impasse.
