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Overseas Development Aid.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 April 2008

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Questions (175)

John Deasy


234 Deputy John Deasy asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the three non-governmental organisations that had their funding by Irish Aid suspended in 2007; the countries in which each of these NGOs operate; the amount of Irish Aid funding each of these NGOs received in 2005 and 2006; if it is planned that funding will be restored to each of them; when that funding will be restored; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15217/08]

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Non governmental organisations (NGOs) are important partners for Irish Aid in the delivery of the aid programme. NGOs in receipt of funding are closely monitored with a view to ensuring full accountability for all monies disbursed. Where issues of concern arise they are reported to senior management and appropriate action is taken. The immediate action is normally the suspension of further funding until the issue of concern has been investigated. As suspension of funding is a precautionary procedure, and does not of itself imply wrongdoing by the organisation concerned, it would not be appropriate to divulge detailed information in specific cases, especially as the organisations in question could be unfairly damaged by such information being made public.
