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Social Welfare Benefits.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 9 December 2008

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Questions (214, 215)

Mary Upton


334 Deputy Mary Upton asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if she will investigate the case of a person (details supplied) in County Dublin in relation to the refusal to grant rent allowance; if it is the case that while the applicant was previously housed in another jurisdiction but felt unsafe and threatened in that area, they are entitled to be granted public housing or support for housing here; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [44935/08]

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Written answers

Rent supplement is administered on behalf of the Department by the community welfare division of the Health Service Executive (HSE), as part of the supplementary welfare allowance scheme.

The person concerned was refused rent supplement on the grounds that he had voluntarily surrendered local authority accommodation already available to him in Scotland. The HSE's Appeals Office has advised that it recently upheld the decision of a superintendent community welfare officer to refuse payment of rent supplement to the person concerned. However, that office has further advised that it is now reviewing this decision in the light of additional documentary evidence supplied by the person concerned. He will be advised him shortly of the outcome of this review.

Finian McGrath


335 Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the position regarding rent allowance for single people (details supplied). [45041/08]

View answer

The purpose of the rent supplement scheme is to provide short-term income support, to eligible people living in private rented accommodation whose means are insufficient to meet their accommodation costs and who do not have accommodation available to them from any other source.

Rent supplement is subject to a limit on the amount of rent that an applicant may incur. Rent limits are set at levels that enable the different eligible household types to secure and retain basic suitable rented accommodation, having regard to the different rental market conditions that prevail in various parts of the State. The objective is to ensure that rent supplement is not paid in respect of overly expensive accommodation having regard to the size of the household. Rent levels declined by almost 5% by August of this year and continue to decline. The supply of available rental accommodation is also reported to have more than doubled in the last year.

Notwithstanding the current rent limits, under existing arrangements the Health Service Executive may, in certain circumstances, exceed rent limits as an exceptional measure where there are special housing needs related to exceptional circumstances for example disabled persons in specially-adapted accommodation or homeless persons. This discretionary power ensures that individuals with particular needs can be accommodated within the scheme and specifically protects against homelessness.

In recent years, a significant number of people have come to rely on rent supplement for extended periods. There are currently over 72,200 people in receipt of rent supplement. Over 32,000 are getting a supplement for 18 months or more. For this reason, the rent supplement scheme has to be viewed in the context of overall housing policy, particularly in the case of long-term recipients.

One of the measures introduced to address long-term housing needs is the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS). RAS gives local authorities specific responsibility for meeting the longer-term housing needs of people receiving rent supplement for 18 months or more, on a phased implementation basis. Since 2005, over 15,800 rent supplement recipients have been transferred to RAS units and other social housing options.

With regard to the position of a single person, if they have been in receipt of rent supplement for 18 months or more they should register with their local authority for RAS.
