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Local Authority Housing.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 23 April 2009

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Questions (180)

James Reilly


180 Deputy James Reilly asked the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when he will bring in mandatory standards regulations to force county councils to ensure all council homes are properly insulated with draught proof modern doors and windows; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16031/09]

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My Department is committed to the improvement of the insulation and general energy efficiency of local authority houses and to that end has developed a comprehensive national programme for the "greening" of the social housing stock. This programme includes a range of energy efficiency initiatives for which some €50 million has been set aside in 2009. The range of energy efficiency improvement initiatives includes a programme of Towards Carbon Neutral demonstration projects, focussed on the construction of dwellings to a minimum BER standard of A2, as well as a number of demonstration projects for the retrofitting of insulation and other energy efficiency measures in the existing stock of local authority housing to achieve minimum B2 standards. It is our intention that the experience gained from these projects will inform our approach to both new construction and remedial works schemes in the future to ensure a viable and energy efficient stock of local authority housing into the future.

Under the national programme, some €20 million will be provided in 2009 for an ambitious programme to improve the energy rating of dwellings due to be re-let during the year to a BER rating of C1, as well as to address energy deficits in apartment complexes. In addition, €14 million has been set aside within the range of initiatives to complete the National Central Heating Programme, which will deliver the installation of central heating and associated thermal insulation improvements in some 2,100 units in 2009.

Finally, local authorities may also use their internal capital receipts, subject to approval by my Department of an annual improvement works programme under which they may direct resources to projects which are deemed most meritorious of funding in their authority, including the installation of insulation, the replacement of windows and doors, and other measures to improve energy efficiency in their stock.
