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Higher Education Grants.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 16 September 2009

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Questions (1027)

George Lee


1181 Deputy George Lee asked the Minister for Education and Science his plans to provide financial assistance to students who are ineligible for grants and must pay registration fees due to the fact that they are repeating exams; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30546/09]

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Students who are entering approved courses at undergraduate or postgraduate level for the first time are eligible for maintenance grants where they satisfy the relevant conditions of the relevant scheme including those relating to age, residence, means, nationality and previous academic history. All students who are eligible for a means tested third level student support grant have the student charge paid on their behalf by the Local Authorities or the Vocational Education Committees, in addition to any maintenance grant and tuition fee grant to which they are entitled.

Under the third level student grant schemes grants may not be paid in respect of a repeat period of study. I have no plans to depart from this practice. It should however be noted that the assessing authorities have discretion to waive this provision in exceptional circumstances — such as for cases of certified serious illness.
