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Thursday, 1 Apr 2010

Other Questions.

Inland Waterways.

Questions (6, 7)

Jimmy Deenihan


6 Deputy Jimmy Deenihan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide a progress report on Waterways Ireland’s work throughout the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14166/10]

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Ciaran Lynch


26 Deputy Ciarán Lynch asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the plans Waterways Ireland has to develop tourism along the routes for which they are responsible; the funding for such promotion; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14261/10]

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Oral answers (15 contributions)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 6 and 26 together.

Waterways Ireland is the largest of the six cross-Border implementation bodies set up under the British-Irish Agreement of December 1999. Its statutory remit is to manage, maintain, restore and develop the inland navigable waterway system, principally for recreation purposes. The navigations under its remit are the Grand Canal, the Royal Canal, the Barrow navigation, the Shannon navigation, the Shannon-Erne waterway, the Erne system and the Lower Bann navigation. Waterways Ireland has continued to develop all of the waterways under its control and many projects have been completed to facilitate the increasing number of people who utilise the navigations for recreation purposes, such as boating, water sports, fishing, walking, etc.

The body has installed some 10,100 m. of moorings since 2000, thereby increasing the mooring capacity of the waterways by 67%. A major capital project to reconnect the Royal Canal to the Shannon and to reopen the canal to navigation is in its final phase. I am delighted that this programme is now completed and I look forward to the reopening of this historic navigation in due course. Work to progress the Ulster Canal project, which will see the restoration of the section from Upper Lough Erne to Clones, is ongoing.

Finally, Waterways Ireland continues to develop and implement projects under its marketing strategy to promote and support greater awareness and use of the waterways. In 2010, Waterways Ireland will invest more than €1 million in these activities. The investment is spread between joint activities, sponsorship, exhibiting at events and exhibitions, marketing collateral development and distribution, website, education, and press and media activity. Waterways Ireland has also engaged in a joint marketing initiative with Fáilte Ireland, Shannon Development, the Northern Ireland Tourism Board and Fermanagh District Council in promoting a 30 km wide corridor along the Shannon-Erne waterway from Limerick to Belleek.

I am satisfied that Waterways Ireland continues to make very good progress in light of the available resources in discharging its responsibilities to manage and maintain our inland navigation network for tourism and recreational purposes.

We are hoping to have representatives of Waterways Ireland appear before the Dáil committee. We have written to the organisation and I am anxious that its representatives attend a committee meeting shortly to discuss the issues being dealt with by the body.

There was a problem between the staff and Waterways Ireland which went to the High Court. Has that case been settled or is it still going through the courts? What is the position? Waterways Ireland has a budget of approximately €34 million, which is not a small amount of money. Last year, it spent €2.3 million on overtime and allowances, which is more than was spent on overtime and allowances in the Minister's Department.

Given the serious problems with flooding this year, what are Waterways Ireland's priorities for dealing with some of the problems that arose? Farmers in the midlands are concerned that Waterways Ireland is not doing enough to alleviate flooding. There was a very serious problem last year, so what will the body do this year to deal with the problems? What part of the budget will be spent on that? What will the Minister do about the €2.3 million spent on overtime and allowances? It is a great deal of money to spend on overtime and allowances in the current climate.

On the first question, the recent action taken by a senior civil servant against Waterways Ireland and the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on alleged mismanagement was settled in the High Court. The settlement was for a sum of £50,000 plus costs, without admission of liability, shared equally at 50% each between the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and Waterways Ireland. I am satisfied that the difficulties which Waterways Ireland experienced have been addressed and are behind it.

I will have to refer back to the Deputy about the overtime issue because I do not have the details to give him a comprehensive response. With regard to the flooding, Waterways Ireland's work at the end of last year also included an unexpected element when Ireland experienced the highest level of flood water on record. Although Waterways Ireland is not responsible for the water levels on the navigations, the organisation strived to minimise the damage to property and assisted where possible, often involving its team working in hazardous conditions. I will seek a more detailed response from Waterways Ireland on the matter and refer back to the Deputy as soon as possible on it.

With regard to the settlement of £50,000, will there be further legal proceedings on this very serious issue or is that the end of the matter? This has cost Waterways Ireland a great deal of money. I do not know what the legal costs were but there were other payments made in the past. Are further legal proceedings due to take place? We will be returning to this matter at a later stage.

There is no indication in the information available to me that there are any further proceedings pending. I will have that checked for the Deputy.

That is fine. We can return to it at a later date.

The waterways in south Kildare are the Barrow and the canal. However, I do not see their value in terms of the number of boats on those waterways. My concern is that we have wonderful waterways but we do not seem to get the number of tourists to match the amount of money put into them. In England and the Continent there appears to be far greater use of barges and boats on their waterways than is the case here. A survey in Athy found there were 65 boat owners in the area, but one never sees 65 boats on the waterways.

The Minister spoke about sponsorship and mentioned €1 million. I am not sure if he meant that was the total expenditure, but perhaps he would send me a breakdown of that expenditure in terms of working with other groups. In a recent parliamentary question I received a reply about sponsorship by Waterways Ireland but perhaps there was other sponsorship or dual funding that was provided to other areas. What can be done to generate more interest in the waterways? Does Waterways Ireland have a link with Fáilte Ireland to generate more interest and encourage more boats on the waterways or is there too much cost involved? It is a wonderful facility and there are wonderful walks along the waterways but we do not appear to benefit from them.

I have always believed our waterways are very under-utilised resources. Waterways Ireland has engaged in joint marketing initiatives with Fáilte Ireland, Shannon Development, Northern Ireland Tourist Board and, as I mentioned earlier, Fermanagh District Council. There are probably other local marketing initiatives as well. I will find out more for the Deputy about the sponsorship. It is mentioned in the briefing material but there is no breakdown.

Since Waterways Ireland was established, the number of boats registered has more than doubled from 5,544 in 2000 to 12,344 in 2009, which shows there is great interest in the waterways. Anecdotally, there is an increase in the usage of the waterways but it is far less than occurs in our neighbouring country. A visit to that country shows the progress there.

Waterways Ireland has won many awards and nominations since its establishment, including, most recently, achieving the status of Ability Company in two categories in the prestigious O2 Ability Awards 2010. In my role as Minister with responsibility for equality, I am delighted that an organisation under my Department's remit has succeeded in achieving such prestigious status and I compliment the staff in Waterways Ireland on making that possible. It has also won a sustainability award from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors for its headquarters and the award for best marina development for Boyle marina in County Roscommon. The Minister of State and I will be investigating the potential for further development of the tourism potential of these waterways and canals. We will work with our colleague in Government, the Minister, Deputy Mary Hanafin, in that regard.

There is a dry dock in Athy and the local waterways group has sought to have a cover erected over it so the facility can be used all year round. However, it has been unable to secure the goodwill of Waterways Ireland to do it. Perhaps the Minister might investigate and let me know the position with it at present. The group made an application to Waterways Ireland to have the work done. I will send the Minister a note about it.

There was a note in the file about it when I read it last night, and I knew Deputy Wall would ask about it but I cannot find it at present.

The Minister was correct.

I will refer back to the Deputy.

Déanaim chomhghairdeas leis an Aire as an ardú céime. Ba mhaith liom ceist a chur faoin chanáil ó Harold's Cross chomh fada le Blackhorse Bridge. Cénuair a dhéanfar uasghrádú air? I refer to upgrading on the stretch between Harold's Cross and Blackhorse Bridge in Inchicore-Bluebell. We know the stretch from Bluebell up to Clondalkin is undergoing works at present and a cycleway and walkway will open later this year but that area has never had an upgrade whereas all the rest of Dublin has. Is there co-ordination with Dublin City Council and Luas in regard to the lighting along that stretch, which is covered by Waterways Ireland, considering the anti-social behaviour associated with the Luas stops? There is a further question in regard to a new steel bridge which was built across the canal during the Luas works and which is not wheelchair accessible from Davitt Road and Inchicore.

I will have to come back to Deputy Ó Snodaigh with that detail. While I have plenty of general information, I cannot find the specific information he seeks. I will arrange to have it provided to the Deputy.

Go raibh maith agat.

Departmental Staff.

Questions (8, 9)

Joan Burton


7 Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number and status of staff assigned to his Department; the location of such staff; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14254/10]

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Róisín Shortall


47 Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of staff who will transfer from other Departments to his Department as a result of the reconfiguration of Departments announced by the Taoiseach on 23 March 2010; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14274/10]

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Oral answers (5 contributions)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 7 and 47 together.

As the Deputies will be aware, as part of the restructuring of Departments and agencies announced by the Taoiseach in Dáil Éireann on 23 March to ensure greater coherence and produce more efficient delivery, the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs will become the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs and will incorporate responsibility for social inclusion policy and family policy from the Department of Social and Family Affairs and for equality, disability, integration and human rights from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

The Deputies will also be aware that the process of transferring functions and changing departmental titles is currently being progressed by the Department of Finance which, in consultation with the relevant Departments, will bring proposals in this regard to the Government for approval in due course. The Deputies will appreciate, therefore, that until the transfer of functions process is complete, it is not possible to provide the specific information requested in regard to the number and status of staff to be assigned and transferred to my Department, as well as the location of such staff.

I thank the Minister for his reply. As with previous questions, if the Minister could give us the details at his earliest convenience, it would be a help.

An item was raised with regard to the national drugs strategy and the substance strategy. I made strong representations to the Minister of State, Deputy Curran, that before the strategy was brought to the House, all the national sports organisations would be consulted on it. He gave a commitment that this would happen and that the Minister would talk to all of the organisations with a view to including in the strategy that there is an alternative to drugs and drink, and that all the facilities we have should be used to attract young people, rather than letting them think only one thing is available to them. While I appreciate much is involved in this, I hope it will happen. I will talk with the Minister in this regard shortly.

With regard to the last part of the question, last Saturday I spoke at the opening of the ASAP conference organised by the GAA in Croke Park, which was attended by some 250 co-ordinators from across the island. I agree with the Deputy. I spoke with the president of the GAA at the conference and know the Minister of State, Deputy Curran, has spoken to others. I propose, subject to diaries being sorted out, that the remaining sports organisations would be included. One of the great ways we can reach large numbers of young people is through the sports organisations. I remember the Deputy raising this point two years ago.

With regard to the proposed functions, divisions and agencies to transfer from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform to the newly formed Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, the numbers have not yet been finalised but approximately 190 staff will transfer with this work from that Department. Approximately 150 of these are civil servants and 40 are public servants. They come from the gender equality division, the disability equality division, the diversity and equality law division, the Office of the Minister for Integration, the Equality Tribunal, the Equality Authority, the National Disability Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission. The line divisions transferring into the Department are currently based in Dublin. In addition, two of the agencies transferring into the Department are currently based outside of Dublin — the Equality Authority is based in Roscrea and the Equality Tribunal is based in Portlaoise.

The programmes transferring out of the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs to the new Department of Social Protection are the rural social scheme and the community services programme, which are two labour activation schemes. They are operated by my Department's offices in Tubbercurry and it is estimated that approximately eight staff will move with this work out of the Department.

As the Minister of State, Deputy Mary White, will be the one to suffer, I hope we will not have a situation such as is already happening with this portfolio. We put down a number of priority questions and other questions but they have been transferred to other Departments. I hope, when the Department becomes the new Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, that these questions will be dealt with by the Minister of State and will not be transferred to the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. If that begins to happen, there will be some row in this House.

Deputies Jack Wall, Catherine Byrne and myself have a problem in regard to the questions we put down in regard to drugs because their transfer to the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and Health and Children has created all kinds of difficulty for us. This is why I said earlier that we want to know clearly what the Minister of State, Deputy White, has responsibility for. Will we be able to put down questions to her or will they be transferred to the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform? With no disrespect to the Minister of State, if that is to happen, there is no point having her in the Department. We need to be able to ask her questions and I hope the powers will be granted to this Department so we will be able to ask questions.

There are two stages. One is the transfer orders for the sections. At present, this Department is still known as the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs but, as soon as the new order is made, we will have the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. I will then be in a position to make delegation orders of specific functions to the Minister of State. There will also be other matters. For example, the Minister of State, Deputy John Moloney, will continue as Minister of State with special responsibility for disability issues and mental health at the Department of Health and Children as well as at the re-named Departments of Education and Skills and Enterprise, Trade and Innovation. We need to get this right so what the Deputy suggests will not happen.

Údarás na Gaeltachta.

Questions (10)

Brian O'Shea


8 D’fhiafraigh Deputy Brian O’Shea den Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta cén socrú atá déanta maidir leis an toghchán d’Údarás na Gaeltachta; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [14281/10]

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Oral answers (9 contributions)

Reachtáladh an toghchán deireanach d'Údarás na Gaeltachta ar 2 Aibreán 2005. Faoi réir na reachtaíochta faoina bhfeidhmíonn an tÚdarás, ní mór an chéad toghchán eile a reachtáil am éigin sa tréimhse idir 1 Aibreán 2009 agus 1 Deireadh Fómhair 2010.

Mar is eol don Teachta, tá moltaí éagsúla maidir leis an nGaeilge agus an Ghaeltacht á bplé i gcomhthéacs an dréacht-Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge, atá faoi bhráid an Chomhchoiste um Ghnóthaí Ealaíon, Spóirt, Turasóireachta, Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta faoi láthair. Sa chomhthéacs sin, níl sé i gceist agam cinneadh a thógáil ag an bpointe seo maidir le dáta don chéad toghchán eile d'Údarás na Gaeltachta. Más gá, áfach, agus má oireann sé do chúinsí an cháis, is féidir liom an cás a bhreithniú maidir le Bille a thabhairt os comhair an Tí chun síneadh a chur le tréimhse chomhaltaí an Bhoird reatha.

Gabhaim comhghairdeas leis an Aire agus an Aire Stáit as ucht an ardú céime a fuair siad. Tháinig an tAire, an Teachta Carey, isteach sa Roinn ag am an-tábhachtach mar tá dréacht-straitéis 20 bliain don Ghaeilge idir lámha agus an reachtaíocht atá bainteach leis sin a tharraingt suas. Tá súil agam go n-éireoidh go geal leis. Tá suim mhór ag an Aire Stáit sa Ghaeilge freisin.

An mbeidh Údarás na Gaeltachta nó údarás nua na Gaeilge i gceist nuair a thiocfaidh an reachtaíocht amach? An bhfuil an tAire chun reachtaíocht a chur os comhair na Dála le sainmhíniú nua a thabhairt ar cad is Gaeltacht ann? Cad faoi theorainneacha na Gaeltachta, an bhfuil sé ar intinn an Aire iad a aistriú? Cathain a bheidh an straitéis chríochnaithe ag an Aire go leanfaidh sé ar aghaidh leis an reachtaíocht?

Tá an Teachta ina bhall den chomhchoiste a bhfuil an dréacht-straitéis faoina bhráid faoi láthair. Tá súil agam go mbeidh an comhchoiste réidh——

Níl mé i mo bhall den chomhchoiste sin.

Gabhaim leithscéal leis an Teachta. Bhí mé ag labhairt le Cathaoirleach an choiste sin i rith na seachtaine agus teastaíonn ón gcomhchoiste deireadh a chur leis an scrúdú ar an straitéis chomh tapaidh agus is féidir. Ansin, tá fochoiste ag an gcomhchoiste ag cur tuarscála le chéile agus cuirfear sin chugam.

Nuair a bheidh seans agam é a scrúdú agus leasuithe a dhéanamh air, más gá, tabharfaidh mé é faoi bhráid an Rialtais chomh tapaidh agus is féidir liom. Ba mhaith liom é sin a dhéanamh roimh an samhradh, ach go réadúil níl a fhios agam an féidir an sprioc sin a aimsiú. Ba mhaith liom go bhféadfaimis í a aimsiú, más féidir. Tá sé sin ar intinn agam, ar aon chaoi.

D'iarr an Teachta mar gheall ar na teorainneacha freisin. Tá sé leagtha amach sa dréachtstraitéis go ndéanfaí athstruchtúrú bunúsach ar Údarás na Gaeltachta mar gníomhaireacht náisiúnta — "údarás na Gaeilge" — agus a cheannáras sa Ghaeltacht. Beidh freagracht ag an údarás maidir le cúrsaí Gaeilge ar fud an Stáit. Coinneoidh an túdarás nua na feidhmeanna atá ag Údarás na Gaeltachta faoi láthair. Tuigfidh an Teachta nach mbeadh sé caoi dul ar aghaidh le socruithe le haghaidh toghchán Údarás na Gaeltachta go dtí go mbeidh na ceisteanna eile pléite go sásúil againn.

Tuigim an méid a dúirt an tAire. Chuir mé an cheist seo ar an Aire, an Teachta Ó Cuív, nuair a bhí an cúram seo aige. Ní fheicim aon loighic san argóint, áfach, os rud é nach mbeidh na cinnithe seo déanta go ceann dhá nó trí bliana. Feictear dom nach mbeidh toghchán Údarás na Gaeltachta againn idir an dá linn. Cén fáth nach féidir toghchán an údaráis a eagrú ar an lá céanna ar a bheidh toghchán mhéara Átha Cliath, agus na fothoghcháin Dála, againn níos déanaí i mbliana? Is féidir linn athrú a dhéanamh amach anseo, tar éis díospóireachta chuí sa Teach seo chun na struchtúir cuí a chur i bhfeidhm.

Mar adúirt mé níos luaithe, séard a bhí ar intinn ag an Aire Ó Cuív, agus séard atá ar intinn agamsa a dhéanamh ná, má tá gá leis, Bille a thabhairt os comhair an Tí chun síneadh a chur le tréimhse chomhaltaí tofa an bhoird reatha. Níl ar intinn againn go mbeadh na toghcháin a luaigh an Teachta á rith ag an am céanna le h-aon toghchán eile a bheidh againn an bhliain seo.

An bhfuil an ceart agam glacadh leis. ón mhéid atá ráite ag an Aire nach bhfuil sé ar intinn aige go mbeadh díospóireacht sa Dáil ar an dréacht straitéis? Tá sé thar a bheith riachtanach go mbeadh an díospóireacht sin againn. De réir an méid atá ráite ag an Aire, an dealramh atá ar an scéal ná go rachaidh an dréacht straitéis ar ais díreach go dtí an Aire nuair a bheidh an comhchoiste críochnaithe leis agus go ndéanfaidh seisean pé athruithe atá i gceist aige a dhéanamh agus ansin go dtabharfaidh sé an doiciméad sin os comhair an Rialtais. Cuirfidh sin deireadh le scrúdú na dréacht straitéise agus beidh an straitéis chríochnaithe againn gan aon bhaint a bheith aici leis an Dáil. Ní dóigh liom gur ceart é sin a dhéanamh. Tá sé thar a bheith riachtanach go mbeadh díospóireacht iomlán sa Dáil maidir leis an dréacht straitéis sula mbíonn an dréacht críochnúil againn.

Níl deacracht ar bith agam, go pearsanta nó go hoifigiúil, le sin. Bheinn i bhfábhar na díospóireachta sin a bheith againn chomh luath agus a bheidh an tuarascáil agus na moltaí réidh ag an gcomhchoiste. Níl aon bhac ar sin. Is féidir leis an gcomhchoiste an tuarascáil a sheoladh go dtí Tithe an Oireachtais más mian leis sin a dhéanamh. Go pearsanta, bheinn i bhfábhar í a phlé anseo ionas go mbeidh seans againn plé níos déine a dhéanamh uirthi.

Written Answers follow Adjournment debate.
