My salary cost, taking into account both my salary as Minister and a T.D., is €191,417 per annum.
There are two officers of my Department who are in the category referred to by the Deputy. The Secretary General of my Department is paid €228,466. The Secretary General, Public Service Management and Development is paid €215,590.
In relation to agencies under the aegis of my Department, I am advised that the following is the position:
Office of the Revenue Commissioners: The Chairman is on a salary of €215,590. This is the only officer in Revenue on a scale higher than that quoted above for the Minister for Finance.
National Lottery: The current salary of the CEO is €230,000; he also receives a Director’s fee of €12,500, a car allowance of €15,000, health insurance of €5,000 and a company pension contribution of €33,000 (in addition to making a personal pension contribution of 6.5%).
There are no staff on a comparable or higher salary in respect of the Office of Public Works, Commission for Public Service Appointments, Public Appointments Service, Valuation Office or State Laboratory. Remuneration contracts of officials of theNational Treasury Management Agency are confidential.