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Alternative Farm Enterprises

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 May 2010

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Questions (73)

Shane McEntee


79 Deputy Shane McEntee asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on the feed in tariff price for energy from on-farm biomass; the way he proposes to incentivise this area in view of the inadequate price; the representations he has made to the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources on this matter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22060/10]

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I welcome the announcement earlier this week by the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources in relation to guaranteed support prices (REFIT) for bio-energy. The technologies supported include Biomass Combined Heat and Power and Biomass Combustion, including provision for 30% co-firing of biomass in the three peat powered stations, as well as support for Anaerobic Digestion Combined Heat and Power.

These new Government tariffs will foster the development of a robust and sustainable biomass supply sector in Ireland and will drive demand for biomass and support the measures already in place such as the Bioenergy Scheme administered by my Department and also the REHEAT programme which is run by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. The fact that the tariffs announced are to be indexed and offered on a 15 year basis provides a degree of long term certainty to underpin the Bioenergy Sector. This development has the very real potential to provide farmers with added income streams and allows Irish farmers to make a substantial contribution towards meeting Government targets and policies in the bioenergy and non-food crop sector. I had been in regular contact with the Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources leading up to the recent announcement.
