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Grant Payments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 May 2010

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Questions (93)

Martin Ferris


101 Deputy Martin Ferris asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement regarding the payment of outstanding REPS 4 moneys. [21843/10]

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A total of 29,376 applications were received for participation in REPS 4 for payment in 2009. The acceptance of REPS 4 applications is governed by EU Regulations which require exhaustive administrative checks and on-the-spot inspections. In a significant number of the applications received, the administrative checks raised issues and queries which required further detailed examination. My Department's staff have been working to resolve these as quickly as possible. Many of these cases required the applicants' planners to amend the farm plans that were submitted originally. The applicants concerned were made aware of the position and the applications are being further processed without delay on receipt of amended plans. So far, 24,023 applicants have received full payment for 2009 and work is continuing to process the remainder as quickly as possible.

My officials have also been in contact with the 111 applicants whose plans had been rejected, to inform them of their right to appeal the decision. Alternatively, unless the application had been found to be fundamentally ineligible, applicants were given the opportunity to submit a new REPS 4 plan and application form on or before 17 May 2010. The latter cases will be dealt with as a priority.
