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Health Service Expenditure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 11 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Questions (16)

Michael Noonan


14 Deputy Michael Noonan asked the Minister for Health and Children the way the capital budget for health has been reduced under the revised capital programme 2010 to 2016; the planned projects that will be delivered within the next six years; the planned project that will not now be delivered within the next six years; if she will publish a full list of capital projects and the revised timeframes for delivery; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [41966/10]

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The Public Capital Programme 2010-2016 announced by Government in July provides a total of €2,891 million over the period 2010 -2016 for the Health Group of Votes. This represents an increase of approximately €35m on the previous capital envelope for the period to 2013. It also confirms that the annual capital funding allocation of €400m for health will continue to 2016.

The Health Service Executive's current capital plan covers the five year period 2010-2014. The HSE has published on its website details of the projects which it intends to deliver within this plan. The HSE will submit its updated capital programme for the next rolling five year period, 2011-2015, to me before the end of this year.

The Executive, in conjunction with my Department, is also exploring alternative means of financing improved health infrastructure. Options include leasing arrangements and the reinvestment of the sale proceeds of asset disposals.

With regard to my Department's Vote, capital funding will continue to be provided for health research through the Health Research Board. This funding will include support for the joint delivery with the Wellcome Trust and others of clinical research facilities at St. James's Hospital and Galway University Hospital. Capital funding will also be provided to support the requirements of directly funded agencies under the aegis of my Department.

In relation to the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, there has been considerable investment in childcare places in recent years primarily through the capital grant aiding of construction and refurbishment of childcare facilities. This investment has greatly improved the availability and quality of childcare options. Capital funding will continue to be provided to meet existing capital commitments including those under the Young People's Facilities and Services Fund.
