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Departmental Appointments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 14 December 2010

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Questions (184, 185)

Leo Varadkar


195 Deputy Leo Varadkar asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will list all public appointments since 22 November 2010; the remuneration in salary, expenses and any other forms of compensation associated with each such appointment; the length of tenure in each case; whether each was a re-appointment or a new appointment; the details of the selection process undertaken in each instance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47003/10]

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Leo Varadkar


196 Deputy Leo Varadkar asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will list all public appointments that he is due to make between 14 December 2010 and 28 February 2011. [47018/10]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 195 and 196 together.

As Minister for Foreign Affairs, I make appointments to four bodies — the Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange (the Fulbright Commission), the Development Education Advisory Committee and the Irish Aid Expert Advisory Group.

I re-appointed Ms. Una Halligan to the Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange for a fourth two-year term with effect from 11 December 2010, and I re-appointed Professor Geraldine McCarthy to the Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange for a second two-year term with effect from 11 December 2010. The Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange enjoys autonomy of management and administration in accordance with section 2(5) of the Educational Exchange (Ireland and the United States of America) Act, 1991. Members of the Commission serve without remuneration but they are reimbursed by the Commission for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by them in the discharge of their functions.

None of the other bodies have had appointments made to them in the period in question.

I make appointments to the Emigrant Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) following consultations with our Embassy in London and the Irish Abroad Unit in my Department. The question of the appointment of a new committee is currently under consideration by the Embassy in London and appointments will likely be made early in 2011 for a two-year term. The committee consists of twelve members, including two officers from our Embassy in London, who act as Chair and Secretary to the committee. The ten voluntary committee members were appointed in May 2009 and their term runs until 31 December 2010. The primary role of the committee is to advise me on the allocation of grants to Irish community organisations in Britain under the Emigrant Support Programme.

No appointments to the other bodies which fall under the aegis of my Department are envisaged for the period in question.
