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Natural Disasters

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 January 2011

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Questions (13)

Kathleen Lynch


11 Deputy Kathleen Lynch asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Foreign Affairs the assistance proposed at Irish and European level for those affected by the recent flooding in Brazil. [2885/11]

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Last week's dramatically heavy rains in south-eastern Brazil have resulted in that country's worst natural disaster for several decades. The deadly floods and mudslides caused by the severe weather conditions are estimated to have killed at least 600 people and to have left 13,500 people homeless and without shelter. Many of those affected were living in densely populated and hilly areas where thousands of impoverished people live in badly-built and poorly-constructed housing.

To date there has been no request or appeal to the international community for direct assistance by the Government of Brazil, which has earmarked some 780 million reais (€348 million) in initial emergency assistance and dispatched the army and other rescue teams to the worst-affected areas. These are being helped by thousands of local volunteers. We anticipate that the Brazilian Red Cross may draw on funds from the Red Cross Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) in the wake of the floods. Ireland has provided €4 million to this fund since 2008. Ireland is monitoring the situation closely in close coordination with our EU partners and will continue to do so in the days ahead.
