My Department's Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2012, which is available in the Oireachtas library, sets out the plans for investment in major water supply projects in order to meet key environmental and economic objectives over that period.
The preparation of the Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2012 programme involved a complete review of all schemes which had not substantially progressed to ensure that they remained priorities in the light of these programme objectives. This programme builds on investment in the period 2010-2009, which has seen an increase in water treatment capacity equivalent to the needs of a population of 1.1 million and an increase in storage capacity equivalent to 1.6 million over the same period. The development of the programme included the completion of a needs assessment by all local authorities, including the water supply requirements of major centres of population, from the perspective of both quality and demand in the short, medium and longer term. In preparing the programme, the Department and local authorities also took into account the 2008 Forfás Report — Assessment of Water and Wastewater Services for Enterprise, which examined the future needs of enterprise in NSS gateways and hubs and identified a number of areas where existing or future capacity was constrained.
Addressing such deficits requires a combination of accelerated investment in water conservation to address unsustainable levels of unaccounted for water, and the provision of new and upgraded infrastructure. Consequently, the Programme's water supply component, including water conservation works, comprises some 70 projects in progress with a value of over €500 million, some 180 contracts to be progressed to construction over the period 2010-2012 with a value of over €800 million and some 100 schemes on which planning work will continue.