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School Staffing

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 May 2011

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Questions (107)

Peter Mathews


126 Deputy Peter Mathews asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will ensure that non-teaching staff in a private school whose wages are not paid by the Exchequer are excluded from the reduction in public sector wages; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10367/11]

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I assume that the Deputy is referring to Circular 0070/2010 issued by my Department on 26 November 2010, which outlined that adjustments in salary should be applied, with effect from 1 January 2011, to all relevant staff in the employment of recognised schools or VECs who were not already affected by the pay reductions introduced under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (No. 2) Act 2009. Some of the categories of staff affected by this Circular included non-teaching staff in all recognised schools (including recognised private schools).

The Deputy should be aware that this measure was introduced by the previous Government. I am aware of the impact this has had on non-teaching staff in recognised schools. Workers across the public sector have taken pay cuts in recent years and the current Government has stated that it will seek to avoid the introduction of further pay cuts in return for full implementation of the Public Service (Croke Park) Agreement.

The Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (No. 2) Act 2009 determined the criteria for reducing the pay of public servants with effect from January 2010. However, when the Act was introduced, there was a question as to how a public servant should be determined for the purposes of this Act. Subsequently, following receipt of legal advice, it has now been determined that all staff employed by a recognised school or VEC come within the definition of "public servant" solely for the purposes of the Act. The legislation does not exempt any individual or groups save for the Judiciary and the President due to provisions in the Constitution. Section 6 does provide a limited power to the Minister for Finance to exempt or vary the reduction in pay rates provided for in the legislation where exceptional circumstances exist or because of an arbitration award. In view of the time lapse involved in reaching a determination on this issue, the previous Minister for Finance allowed for a temporary exemption from the application of the Act for these categories of staff up until 31 December 2010.

Accordingly, my Department outlined that adjustments in salary should be applied with effect from 1 January 2011, to all relevant staff in the employment of recognised schools or VECs, who were not already affected by the pay reductions introduced under the Act.
