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Grant Payments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 October 2011

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Questions (515, 516, 517, 518)

Michael Healy-Rae


539 Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the reason headage payment was not paid in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27163/11]

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An application under the Single Payment Scheme/Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on the 13th of May 2010. This application was selected for a Ground Eligibility and Cross Compliance inspection.

During the course of the Ground Eligibility inspection discrepancies were found which resulted in the claimed area for the Single Payment Scheme of 75.46ha being reduced to a payable area of 37.7ha. As the total entitlements held are 93.29 and the difference between the area claimed and the area found is greater than 50% no payment was to issue for 2010. In addition an administrative fine equivalent to the difference between the number of hectares determined (found) and the number of hectares declared for the crop group concerned will be offset against any EU payment due to the applicant made during the course of the three calendar years following the year in which the determination was made.

The person named was informed of this decision on the 26th of November 2010. He was also advised of his right to seek a review of this decision and to have the outcome of any such review appealed to the Agriculture Appeals Office.

Michael Moynihan


540 Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the position regarding an outstanding REP scheme 4 payment in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27225/11]

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The person named commenced REPS 4 in April 2008 and has received full payment for the first two years of his contract.

In addition, 75% of the third year payment issued on 30th May 2011 for the amount of €5302.13. An area based discrepancy was discovered following a cross check between the Single Payment Scheme application for 2010 from the person named and the REPS agri-environmental plan. This discrepancy has resulted in the imposition of a penalty and a delay in processing the final 25% payment due under REPS 4 for 2010.

My Department is currently making arrangements to process outstanding payments to farmers of the 25% due in respect of 2010 in the cases where penalties were incurred and I expect payments to commence in these cases later this month.

Michael Moynihan


541 Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the position regarding an outstanding REP scheme 4 payment in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27226/11]

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The person named commenced REPS 4 in June 2009 and received full payment for the first year of his contract.

In addition, 75% of the second year payment issued on 23rd February 2011 for the amount of €1842.00. An area based discrepancy was discovered following a cross check between the Single Payment Scheme application for 2010 from the person named and the REPS agri-environmental plan. This discrepancy has resulted in the imposition of a penalty and a delay in processing the final 25% payment due under REPS 4 for 2010.

My Department is currently making arrangement to process outstanding payments to farmers of the 25% balancing payment due in respect of 2010 in the cases where penalties were incurred and I expect payments to commence in these cases later this month.

Michael Moynihan


542 Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the position regarding an outstanding REP scheme 4 payment in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27227/11]

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The person named commenced REPS 4 in June 2009 and has received full payments for the fist year of his contract.

In addition, 75% of the second year payment issued on 31st March 2011 for the amount of €6082.80. An area based discrepancy was discovered following a cross check between the Single Payment Scheme application for 2010 from the person named and the REPS agri-environmental plan. This discrepancy has resulted in the imposition of a penalty and a delay in processing the final 25% payment under REPS 4 for 2010.

My Department is currently making arrangements to process outstanding payments to farmers of the 25% due in respect of 2010 in the cases where penalties were incurred and I expect payments to commence in these cases later this month.
