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Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011

Other Questions

Tourism Promotion

Questions (6)

Brian Stanley


44 Deputy Brian Stanley asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his plans in co-operation with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to maximise the attraction of the cultural institutions during the proposed Gathering tourism initiative; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29863/11]

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Oral answers (5 contributions)

I welcome this initiative of my colleague, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport. The Gathering will be an important event for the tourism sector and one in which my Department and the national cultural institutions which operate under its aegis will be very pleased to participate. As the Deputy is aware, our cultural institutions play an important role in enhancing the cultural tourism product offering of this country and will have a major role to play in the Gathering initiative.

Visitor figures at many of our institutions benchmark favourably against international comparators, having regard to size and resources. For instance, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, IMMA, welcomed more visitors than the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago or the Art Gallery of South Australia in Adelaide during 2009. The figures for 2010 for the National Museum put it on a par with visitor numbers at the Kremlin Museums in Moscow and Pergamon Museum in Berlin, while the attendance figures at the National Gallery in 2010 place it ahead of many distinguished galleries abroad, including the Serpentine Gallery in London, Tate Liverpool, which I visited last weekend, and MoMA in San Francisco.

In 2010, there were more than 3.5 million visitors to the cultural institutions supported by my Department and I am advised that, in the first six months of this year, visitor numbers were almost 1.8 million, an increase of an aggregate of 6.4% on the same period last year. I understand visitor numbers to our three National Museum sites alone will exceed 1 million this year. This continued growth in numbers is driven by the world class exhibition programmes at these institutions. This year alone, highlights have included the 7th Century Faddan More Psalter at the National Museum, Diego Rivera and Frieda Kahlo at IMMA, Matisse at the Chester Beatty Library, Dexter Dal wood at the National Gallery, Elements at the Science Gallery, the 9/11 Exhibition at Collins Barracks and Richard Hamilton at the Hugh Lane Gallery. The national cultural institutions are of significant economic value and will form a major part of the promotion of the Gathering event.

I thank the Minister for his reply. The figures he provided are promising. Has he considered the possibility of increasing the opening hours of the national cultural institutions to make them even more visitor friendly? What budget has been allocated by the cultural institutions, Tourism Ireland or Fáilte Ireland for marketing cultural institutions and heritage sites? The advertising budget of the National Gallery was slashed last year. Does the Minister have any plans to reverse this cut?

While opening hours are determined by financial constraints, it would be desirable to open our cultural institutions later in the evenings during the peak tourism season. This possibility is considered. As regards marketing funds, while it would be advantageous to increase funding, the marketing of our cultural institutions appears to be successful in light of the increase in visitor numbers. Anyone who ventures out from Leinster House on to Kildare Street or Merrion Square will see the large numbers of visitors to the National Museum, National Library and Natural History Museum. The shortfall in marketing funding arising from the recent cutback is being made up through Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland. The focus of attention on our national cultural institutions appears to be working as numbers are increasing. In some cases, they are attracting even greater numbers than their international counterparts.

I welcome the Gathering tourism initiative. Will the Minister consider maximising the tourism potential of the Gaeltacht areas by expanding the role of the cultural institutions and heritage sites in the Gaeltacht? Will he also consider the introduction of longer opening hours in the cultural institutions, particularly on bank holidays and at weekends when tourist numbers tend to be higher?

I will explore the Deputy's practical suggestions, although they will obviously be the subject of negotiation with the cultural institutions. The staff in the cultural institutions are very hard-working and the welcome they provide is one of the reasons people visit them. I experienced this welcome during visits to our cultural institutions long before I was appointed to my current position. The staff are welcoming, highly professional and handle customers very well. It is good public relations to have visitors well received when they come to our cultural institutions. Given the Gathering project and the fact that our institutions are so popular we should look at ways of extending opening hours especially during the peak tourist season. That would be a very important consideration.

Arts Funding

Questions (7, 8)

Barry Cowen


45 Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he has confidence in the Arts Council’s willingness and capacity to support opera here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29824/11]

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Aengus Ó Snodaigh


49 Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his plans for the future development of opera here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29858/11]

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Oral answers (12 contributions)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 45 and 49 together.

The Arts Council always had responsibility to promote opera, apart from a limited amount of work undertaken in my Department on the Irish National Opera project. When I assumed the role of Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, I examined the available information and expert advice. Based on that examination, I believed the best option was for the Arts Council to resume responsibility for all opera policy provision and implementation into the future. I communicated that decision to the chair and the director of the Arts Council last summer. The council remains at all times independent in its decision-making on the financing of opera.

In resuming this function, the council has to address a number of issues, including the financing of opera. The Deputy will recall that the significant reason for discontinuation of the Irish National Opera project was its need for a minimum annual State contribution of €4.5 million if it was to be successful. This compared with the €2.2 million available to opera in 2010. At another juncture, this project might have proceeded, but not in the current budgetary climate.

Following the full resumption of its responsibility for the entirety of the opera brief, the Arts Council decided to conduct a consultation process with key stakeholders within the opera community to inform itself on the future direction of policy. That process includes several elements, namely, publishing details on its website including documentation intended to promote discussion; convening a series of 30 meetings with stakeholders; and inviting written submissions from interested parties. I understand from the council that any plans for the future development of opera will fall to be considered in the light of this assessment. I also understand that the outcome will be provided to me by the council before year-end.

It is important to note that, over the course of 2010, there has been some confusion about where responsibility for opera resided. I want to make it absolutely clear that all responsibility for all opera, including its financing, now resides with the Arts Council. I am fully confident of the Council's ability to discharge this responsibility.

I asked the Minister if he had confidence in the Arts Council's ability in this regard, given that over the past five years the council's support of opera has dropped from €4.6 million to €2.2 million. Although the council's grant aid fell by 21% during this period the council's support to opera was cut by 52%.

The Minister and I are aware of the importance of opera in Ireland in terms of cultural tourism. For the reasons I gave, Dublin is unlikely to be able to produce top quality opera that would attract high-spending opera tourists from Britain, the United States and continental Europe. This is not only a case of lost operas but a case of lost jobs. Opera Ireland was by far the biggest employer of Irish singers in the country.

Will the Arts Council get the required funding or must it skim off funds from other deserving areas of the arts? If all else fails will it be possible to reconstitute Opera Ireland with funding comparable to that of 2010 to provide Dublin with adequate mainstream opera productions? Senior figures in the industry have said opera in Ireland is now precariously balanced.

Following the announcement of the budget and the Estimates, I will be providing the Arts Council with its funding. As a result of the established principle under law, the Arts Council will then decide how to spend that money. The council is considering the future of opera at present, has sought suggestions from interested bodies and will obviously arrive at a solution. The Arts Council has always been very supportive of opera. It was forced to reduce the funding available for opera as a result of the reduction in its own budget. I am sure the Deputy is aware that there were a number of difficulties with Opera Ireland which, unfortunately, had to be wound down. However, the Opera Theatre Company is functioning very well and is promoting opera throughout the country. Wexford Festival Opera will be commencing its annual autumn programme shortly.

Yes. The Arts Council has made a major investment in Wexford Festival Opera, which has proven to be very successful. I have a personal interest in opera and I will be working with the Arts Council as much as possible in the context of identifying a solution which will ensure opera will be available for the people.

I thank the Minister for his reply in which he responded to most of my concerns. I have one further question. Are there efficiencies to be gained by considering an all-Ireland approach involving some form of arrangement with Northern Ireland Opera in this area?

We seek, where possible, to collaborate with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. This is something I have tried to encourage and I hope to meet the directors of both councils in the future. It is very desirable to encourage collaboration, where possible, and that is something I support and recommend. Collaboration is already taking place in many areas of the arts and if such collaboration would enhance the position of opera in this country, then action should be taken. I will make further inquiries into the matter on the Deputy's behalf to discover what is happening.

I thank the Minister.

I take on board what the Minister stated, namely, that the Arts Council is independent. However, during the period when its funding was reduced by 21%, the Arts Council cut funding to Opera Ireland by 52%. This represents more than twice the level of the reduction in funding nationally.

If I could answer that——

Perhaps the Minister could ensure that similar reductions will not be made next year. No one is questioning the good work being done by Wexford Festival Opera.

When it was proposed that Irish National Opera would be put in place, there was an expectation that what we are discussing would happen. As a result, the Arts Council reduced the funding it was making available. One of my predecessors announced exactly what would happen, stated that there would be departmental support, relieved the Arts Council of responsibility for the opera brief and established a special implementation group. When Irish National Opera presented its report to me, it indicated that funding of €4.5 million, in respect of which provision had not been made, would be required. Unfortunately, that amount was not available. Irish National Opera was about to appoint a chief executive and put in place an entire structure for something for which provision had never been made. The level of Arts Council funding being made available in respect of opera would have been influenced by the expectation that Irish National Opera would eventually come into operation. This could possibly be the explanation with regard to what occurred.

Heritage Sites

Questions (9, 10)

David Stanton


46 Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 28 and 34 of 22 June 2011, if he will provide details of State funding received by the Irish Heritage Trust to date; his plans to further support the work of the trust in acquiring additional major heritage properties; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29855/11]

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David Stanton


57 Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht further to Parliamentary Question No. 34 of 22 June 2011, if the review of Irish Heritage Trust has been completed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29854/11]

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Oral answers (5 contributions)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 46 and 57 together.

From 2006 to date, the Irish Heritage Trust has received €9.235 million in funding from my Department. This figure includes €2.53 million towards the operational activities of the trust and endowment funding of €5 million towards the conservation and preservation of the Irish Heritage Trust property, Fota House, in County Cork. This funding comes from the Irish Heritage Trust subhead within the Vote of my Department. In addition, €1.705 million has been provided from the built heritage capital programme of my Department towards conservation works at Fota House. The trust also received additional grants totalling €34,000 from the Heritage Council.

It was originally envisaged that each property acquired by the trust would be accompanied by an endowment fund — largely provided by the State — sufficient to conserve, maintain and present the property to the public into the future. The level of State endowment funding was to diminish as the trust's property portfolio grew. However, as a result of the difficult budgetary position, it has not been possible to continue State endowment funding to the trust beyond the first acquisition.

In the dramatically changed economic circumstances, the trust is focusing on property acquisition projects which do not require endowment funding from my Department. For some of these projects to be realised, utilisation of the provisions of section 1003A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, as amended, may be required. This section provides for a scheme of tax relief of up to €6 million in any one year in respect of heritage properties and contents donated to the Irish Heritage Trust. For a donor of a property to the Irish Heritage Trust to qualify for tax relief on the donation, I must determine, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act, that the property is suitable for acquisition by the trust.

Against this backdrop and in accordance with the intention that it would be reviewed after its initial period of operation, my Department has commenced a review of the operation of the trust. I invited and have received observations on an issues paper, prepared by my Department, regarding the operation of the trust during the past five years. The issues paper and the observations received will form the framework for discussions with the trust with a view to the completion of the review over the coming months.

I thank the Minister for his reply. Will he indicate who is responsible for carrying out the review? Is one person responsible, is it the Department or is it some outside agency or group of people? What is the timescale for the completion of the review and will the results be published? Will the Minister comment on the strategic plan for Fota House under the trust? Will he outline the position regarding the administrative overheads of the trust? He referred to a figure of €2.5 million. Does that money relate to administration? Will the Minister provide a breakdown in respect of the figures for administration?

The review is being carried out by my Department. There was an initial promise to the effect that the operation of the trust would be reviewed following a five-year period. The original idea was that this would be a major initiative and that there would be a great deal of money available to the trust to allow it to take on other large-scale projects similar to the one at Fota House. Unfortunately, economic conditions changed and the initiative could not be continued. It is in those circumstances that my Department is carrying out its review of the trust in the context of the latter's future.

In respect of the strategic plan to which the Deputy referred, I visited Fota House recently and was very impressed by what I saw. Fota House and its gardens provide a major amenity for Cork city and the surrounding hinterland, which extends eastwards throughout the county and on towards Waterford. With proper promotion and a proper strategy — work on which is ongoing — I am of the view that Fota House will in time be in a position to sustain itself. The figure of €2.53 million about which the Deputy inquired relates to the operational activities of the trust.

Is it true that the employees of the trust are all based in Dublin and that they are administering the trust's only property, Fota House, from the capital? Would it not be more efficient to base these employees at a location closer to Fota House? How many people are employed by the trust and will the Minister provide an indication of who these individuals are and where they are based?

I do not have that information with me but I can certainly supply it for the Deputy. When I went to Fota I did not ask the people if they were from there but they seemed very enthusiastic. I can find out the information quite easily and if people are based locally, it is easier to manage or work in a facility. I am sure there is a major local input, although members of the trust may not live there.

With regard to the figures, the attendance has doubled since the trust took over the House. There is major potential for the future and I know Deputy Stanton has a personal interest in the subject. Fota House is a great amenity for the State. The gardens at the back are being restored and have seen some horticultural activity. They are also a very important attraction.

Stratéis Fiche Bliain don Ghaeilge

Questions (11)

John McGuinness


47 Deputy John McGuinness den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad é an dul chun cinn atá déanta aige maidir le straitéis na Gaeilge; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [29846/11]

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Oral answers (4 contributions)

Mar thoradh ar chinntí polasaí faoin Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge a thóg an Rialtas ar 31 Bealtaine 2011, tá na cinn don Bhille Gaeltachta a thabharfaidh feidhm do na cinntí seo, de réir mar is cuí, dréachtaithe ag mo Roinn. Táthar ag súil na dréacht chinn a chur faoi bhráid an Rialtais go luath sa chaoi is go bhfoilseofar an Bille Gaeltachta in 2012, i gcomhréir le clár reachtaíochta an Rialtais.

Tá aonad straitéise bunaithe i mo Roinn atá freagrach as pleanáil agus feidhmiú na straitéise a threorú. Tá plean forfheidhmithe trí bliana mo Roinne maidir le cur i bhfeidhm na straitéise á ullmhú san am i láthair. Os rud é go bhfuil iliomad páirtithe leasmhara luaite faoin straitéis 20 bliain, tá sé i gceist ag mo Roinn dul i ndáil chomhairle leis na príomhpháirtithe leasmhara maidir leis an bplean forfheidhmithe sa chaoi is go mbeifear in ann é a fhoilsiú go luath.

Tá trí ghrúpa oibre ardleibhéil bunaithe ag an aonad straitéise i mo Roinn chun dlús a chur le forfheidhmiú na straitéise: grúpa oibre idir oifigigh i mo Roinn agus an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna, atá ag díriú ar chur i bhfeidhm na straitéise i réimse gnímh an oideachais, ag tógáil san áireamh na laincisí ar acmhainní i láthair na huaire; grúpa oibre idir oifigigh i mo Roinn, in Údarás na Gaeltachta agus i bhForas na Gaeilge, atá dírithe ar idirdhealú a dhéanamh idir na feidhmeanna ar leith atá á gcomhlíonadh ag na heagraíochtaí sin sa chaoi is gur féidir a chinntiú go mbeidh cur chuige éifeachtach ann agus go mbeidh an luach is fearr ar airgead ag an Státchiste; agus grúpa oibre idir oifigigh i mo Roinn, sa Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe agus sa Roinn Post, Fiontar agus Nuálaíochta, atá dírithe ar na bealaí is éifeachtaí chun infheistíocht fiontraíochta a chinntiú don Ghaeltacht.

Is mar thoradh ar an athbhreithniú cuimsitheach caiteachais atá ar siúl faoi stiúir na Roinne Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe ar chaiteachas an Stáit agus i gcomhthéacs an phróisis meastachán a dhéanfar cinntí sonracha maidir leis an soláthar a bheidh ar fáil i ndáil le cur i bhfeidhm na straitéise in 2012.

Tá cúpla ceist agam. An féidir leis an Aire Stáit a rá liom cé mhéid airgid atá i gceist? An bhfuil sé chun an plean a fhoilsiú agus an gcuirfear an straitéis i bhfeidhm go hiomlán?

Mar a luaigh mé i mo fhreagra, tá an t-athbhreithniú cuimsitheach caiteachais ar siúl i láthair na huaire. Níl sé críochnaithe go fóill, ach tá súil agam go mbeidh sé críochnaithe gan mhoill, taobh istigh de roinnt seachtainí. Beidh eolas níos cruinne againn ansin ar an méid acmhainní a bheidh ar fáil do cur chun cinn agus cur i bhfeidhm na straitéise, chomh maith leis an méid a bheidh ar fáil do gach Roinn eile leis an fhírinne a rá. Ag an bpointe seo, tá súil agam agus tá dóchas agam, mar go bhfuil sé mar aidhm ag an Rialtas an straitéis a chur i bhfeidhm chomh mór agus is féidir, go mbeidh na hacmhainní ansin le é a dhéanamh.

Cruthú Fostaíochta

Questions (12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

Robert Troy


48 D’fhiafraigh Robert Troy den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad é an méid oibre atá idir lámha aige chun níos mó post a chur ar fáil sa Ghaeltacht; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [29840/11]

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Willie O'Dea


52 D’fhiafraigh Willie O’Dea den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an ndéanfaidh sé scrúdú ar an laghdú ar phoist sa Ghaeltacht; cad iad na pleananna agus na cruinnithe atá i gceist aige chun an scéal a fheabhsú; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [29852/11]

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Peadar Tóibín


303 D’fhiafraigh Peadar Tóibín den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad atá i gceist maidir le buiséad caipitil a chur ar fáil d’Údarás na Gaeltachta [30176/11]

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Peadar Tóibín


304 D’fhiafraigh Peadar Tóibín den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cén straitéis fostaíochta atá aige le haghaidh na Gaeltachta [30177/11]

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Peadar Tóibín


312 D’fhiafraigh Peadar Tóibín den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an féidir leis cur síos a dhéanamh dúinn maidir le fostaíocht i ngach ceantar Gaeltachta; agus cén plean atá ag an Aire chun í a chur chun cinn [30186/11]

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Oral answers (6 contributions)

Tógfaidh mé Ceisteanna Uimhreacha 48, 52, 303, 304 agus 312 le chéile.

As an soláthar iomlán de €19.6 milliún atá curtha ar fáil d'Údarás na Gaeltachta ón Státchiste in 2011, tá €6 mhilliún curtha ar fáil mar bhuiséad caipitil. Chomh maith leis an tsuim seo, tuigim ón údarás go bhfuil tuairim is €7 mhilliún ar fáil dó ó fhoinsí eile, ar a n-áirítear díol sócmhainní agus aisíocaíochtaí deontas. San iomlán mar sin, tá buiséad caipitil de thuairim is €13 mhilliún ag an eagraíocht i mbliana chun tacú le cruthú agus le caomhnú fostaíochta sa Ghaeltacht.

Is tréimhse dhúshlánach í seo do gheilleagar na tíre i gcoitinne agus tá cúinsí deacra eacnamaíocha le sárú ag comhlachtaí Gaeltachta dá réir. Tá straitéis fostaíochta Údarás na Gaeltachta dírithe den chuid is mó ar earnálacha seirbhíse agus déantúsaíochta nua-aimseartha, ar an teicneolaíocht faisnéise agus ar fiontair a bhaineann le hacmhainní mara agus nádúrtha, leis an ngeilleagar sóisialta agus leis an turasóireacht chultúrtha.

Ag deireadh na bliana 2010, bhí 7,074 duine fostaithe go lánaimseartha i gcliantchomhlachtaí de chuid an údaráis. Cé gur laghdú é sin ar na blianta roimhe sin, is tuar dóchais é gur cruthaíodh 704 post nua in 2010 i gcliantchomhlachtaí de chuid an údaráis. Taispeánann figiúirí fostaíochta an údaráis gur éirigh go maith lena chliantchomhlachtaí atá ag plé le heaspórtáil, i gcomhréir leis an treocht náisiúnta.

Chomh maith leis na cláir thacaíochta atá ag an údarás féin, rachaidh gnéithe den tionscnamh post a d'fhógair an Rialtas i mbliana chun leasa a chuid gníomhaíochtaí. San áireamh anseo, tá an laghdú ar an ráta CBL, VAT, i leith seirbhísí san earnáil turasóireachta; an laghdú ar an ráta ÁSPC, PRSI, d'fhostóirí i leith post a íocann suas go €356 in aghaidh na seachtaine; an tionscnamh chun soláthar creidmheasa don earnáil fiontraíochta a éascú; agus rochtain níos fearr ar dheiseanna soláthair a fhorbairt chun tacú le cuideachtaí.

Tá faisnéis maidir le fostaíocht sna ceantair Ghaeltachta éagsúla le fáil ar shuíomh gréasáin Údarás na Gaeltachta,, agus i dtuarascálacha bliantúla agus cuntais bhliantúla Údarás na Gaeltachta a leagtar faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais gach bliain. Beidh tuarascáil bhliantúil agus cuntais an údaráis don bhliain 2010 á leagan faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais go han-luath. Nuair a ceapadh mar Aire Stáit mé i mí an Mhárta 2011, chuir mé romham mar sprioc cuairt a thabhairt ar na ceantair Ghaeltachta éagsúla chun léargas a fháil ar an méid atá ar siúl ag an údarás chun fostaíocht a chruthú iontu. Is féidir liom a dhearbhú go bhfuil mórchuid na gceantar sin feicthe agam anois. Thapaigh mé an deis freisin freastal ar chruinniú le bord an údaráis i gContae Dhún na nGall ar 3 Meitheamh 2011 chun cinntí an Rialtais maidir leis an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge 2010-2030 a phlé le baill an bhoird. Chomh maith leis sin, bhí cruinniú ag an Aire, An Teachta Jimmy Deenihan, agus agam féin le cathaoirleach an bhoird agus le bainistíocht shinsearach an údaráis ar 29 Meán Fómhair 2011 chun straitéis an údaráis don todhchaí a phlé.

Caithfidh mé a rá nach bhfuil mé sásta go bhfuil mórán déanta chun poist a chur ar fáil. Mar is eol don Aire Stáit, cailleadh 60 post i gcomhlacht MFG, ina measc 30 i nGaillimh. Céard atá á dhéanamh aige chun níos mó post a chur ar fáil?

Mar a dúirt mé, táimid ag tabhairt gach tacaíocht don údarás. Leis an straitéis 20 bliain agus an cinneadh a rinne an Rialtas ar an 31 Bealtaine 2010, dúradh sa ráiteas ón Rialtas an lá sin go mbeadh Údarás na Gaeltachta ann agus go mbeadh cúraimí fiontraíochta ar an údarás. Sílim gur céim mhór ar aghaidh í sin. Ar ndóigh, caithfidh an t-údarás gníomhú taobh istigh de na laincisí agus na teorainneacha airgid atá air. Mar a dúirt mé, don bhliain seo, cuireadh €6 mhilliún ar fáil sa deontas caipitil agus d'éirigh leis €7 milliún a fháil trí acmhainní a dhíol agus cíos a fháil isteach agus mar sin de. Tá fostaíocht ag cur isteach ar an tír go léir. Ach sin ráite, sílim go bhfuil an-obair á dhéanamh ag Údarás na Gaeltachta leis an méid poist a chruthaigh sé sa Ghaeltacht — tá breis agus 7,000 ann faoi láthair. Ón méid atá feicthe agam na cuairteanna a thug mé ar an údarás agus chuig na Gaeltachtaí ar fud na tíre, is tuar dóchais dom é go bhfuil an t-údarás fós ag cruthú post sa Ghaeltacht, cé go bhfuil muid ag cailleadh post i ngach ceantar eile sa tír. Tá an t-údarás ag cruthú fostaíochta go fóill. Aontódh an Teachta liom go dtaispeánann sin an taithí, an saineolas agus an dhíograis atá san údarás, ní hamháin i measc baill an bhoird ach i measc na feidhmeannaigh sinsearacha atá amuigh ar fud an domhain ag lorg tionscal do na Gaeltachtaí. Tá géarchéim ann agus tá mé ag súil go leanfaidh an t-údarás á dhéanamh sin ins na blianta amach romhainn. Tá dúshláin ann ach tá súil le Dia agam agus tá mé dóchasach go mbeidh an t-údarás ábalta iad a chloí.

Tá súil agam sin chomh maith. Bíonn an tAire Stáit ag bualadh leis an údarás go minic. An mbeidh sé ag bualadh leis na comhairlí contae gaeltachta, a d'fhéadfadh cabhair a thabhairt dó freisin?

Tá sé ar intinn agam bualadh leis an údarás arís. Bhuail mé féin agus an tAire, tá mí ó shin, leis an údarás nuair a bhíomar i nGaillimh. Bhuaileamar leis na príomh-fheidhmeannaigh, leis an gcathaoirleach agus leis na feidhmeannaigh sinsearacha. Tá teagmháil rialta againn leis an údarás. Tá an tAire ag tabhairt lán-tacaíochta do iarrachtaí an údaráis ar fud na gaeltachta, mar atá mé féin a dhéanamh.

Maidir leis na comhairlí contae, de ghnáth bíonn cruinnithe againn anois agus arís leo. Níl aon rud socraithe go formáilte ag an bpointe seo ach ní bheadh aon deacracht agam-sa, mar Aire Stáit, bualadh le comhairleoirí contae a bhfuil ceantair ghaeltachta ina gceantair. Beidh mé ag bualadh le comhairleoirí i gContae na Gaillimhe taobh istigh de chupla lá chun ceist achrannach ansin a phlé. Ar ndóigh, bheimís ábalta an rud céanna a dhéanamh le haon chomhairleoir contae eile a chuirfeadh iarratas isteach, chomh fada agus is féidir linn.

Go raibh maith agat.

Question No. 49 answered with Question No. 45.

Film Industry Development

Questions (17)

Billy Kelleher


50 Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his plans to extend section 481 tax relief to the digital content creation industry or sourcing other funding to assist that industry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29829/11]

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Oral answers (7 contributions)

Primary responsibility for the support and promotion of film-making in Ireland, in respect of both the indigenous sector and inward productions, lies with the Irish Film Board which is funded through my Department and has been allocated €18.4 million in 2011 to carry out its functions.

Under section 481 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, tax relief is allowed for investments in certain films. The types eligible for certification are feature films, television dramas, creative documentaries and animation features. The scheme is kept under regular review in conjunction with the Irish Film Board and any enhancements considered necessary to retain or regain competitiveness are brought to the attention of the Minister for Finance, as appropriate. The scheme has been extended to the end of 2015.

The development of the Irish audiovisual industry, including incentives to build strong companies, was examined during the preparation of the Creative Capital report — Building Ireland's Audiovisual Creative Economy . The report was published in July and an implementation committee is examining the advancement of its recommendations.

Action must be taken to position Ireland as one of the most progressive and digitally advanced business environments. As the Minister is aware, I raised this issue previously at Question Time when I asked his Department to examine the Canadian model in terms of what it was doing for the gaming industry, in particular. Has the Department examined this model? Has it consulted the Minister for Finance and his Department to determine if it would be possible to introduce that model here because Google Ireland's chief executive, Mr. John Herlihy, previously told a seminar that he believed there would be a tremendous opportunity for content creation in Ireland but that we needed to look at the rules of law in place. The Canadian model is renowned the world over. I highlighted this issue for the Minister previously at Question Time and wonder what advances he has made to date in this regard.

I took the Creative Capital report, Building Ireland's Audiovisual Traded Economy, to the Cabinet and as a result an implementation group was put in place across Departments. It held its first meeting last week. The report is important, as it contains a large number of recommendations that could help to achieve the objective of doubling the number employed in the audiovisual industry to 10,000 and increasing overall income from €500 million to €1 billion.

With regard to the gaming industry, the Deputy probably heard what the Taoiseach had to say recently. He has a particular interest in the industry and certain announcements have been made regarding support for it. The Government is very much aware of the potential of the industry. A number of pronouncements have been made in the media recently in that regard. The industry was also mentioned at Dublin Castle the weekend before last.

Who has been included in the membership of this new implementation group?

It is chaired by Mr. James Morris from the Irish Film Board and is cross-departmental. It is a Government group comprising representatives from the various agencies and Departments involved in implementing the recommendations of the report.

The Minister might come back to me with the membership of the group.

Initially it was an inter-agency group chaired by Mr. James Morris and it was very effective during the term of office of the previous Government. It is a good report and my job is to implement its recommendations. Those involved are all well known and reputable individuals. They held their first meeting last week and according to the reports I have heard, it was very positive. I am very confident that the individuals concerned will implement some of the recommendations proposed in the report. I will come back to the Deputy with the names of the members of the group.
