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Household Charge

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 26 January 2012

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Questions (162)

Michael McGrath


149 Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will clarify a certain matter regarding the unfinished estates list (details supplied) which has been published in respect of the household charge. [4604/12]

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The list of housing developments which have been designated eligible for a waiver from the household charge was extracted from the National Housing Survey 2011, having regard to the categorisation of estates by local authorities under the Unfinished Housing Developments Public Safety Initiative. This list is set out under the Local Government (Household Charge) Regulations 2012. All households resident in a development prescribed as an unfinished housing estate for the purposes of the Act are covered by the waiver.

Details of specific addresses within an eligible development are held by the planning department of individual local authorities. My Department has, however, been in contact with Cork County Council regarding the development of Upper Belmont, Douglas, Cork. The addresses of Belmont Court, Belmont Avenue and Jamesmont are not listed as forming part of this development and accordingly are not eligible for a waiver on the Annual Household Charge.
