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Cycle Facilities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 March 2012

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Questions (210)

John O'Mahony


213 Deputy John O’Mahony asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport with regards to public bike rental schemes in Irish cities, including Galway city, if he will confirm that he has ring-fenced a sum of €1.7 million for the set up cost; the biggest issue at present in setting up the scheme is the ongoing operation and maintenance costs of the following 15 years following the introduction of such a scheme; if he will provide an update on the progress he is making on advancing a public private partnership scheme that will provide a sustainable financial model over that period; if there are other considerations such as having one central processing location to co-ordinate the operation in all cities rather than duplicating the back up and support function that is required, or if he will prefer to see each city look after same; when the scheme will be operational in Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13430/12]

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I am committed to exploring a range of mechanisms to seek to secure public bikes schemes in other cities, including Galway. My Department and the National Transport Authority are currently considering the findings of analysis undertaken and the outcome of symposiums held in November including how to address key issues identified. For example, while a scheme in a city such as Galway is technically feasible, its commercial viability would require a collaborative approach with the private sector.

Funding provision to meet the capital investment costs of a scheme has been identified within the 5-year allocation for Smarter Travel and Carbon Reduction Measures Capital funding. However, operational funding is not available from within the constrained current funding allocations. Options to meet operating costs of a scheme include, for example, potential funding that could be unlocked by Galway City Council through the provision of additional advertising space in the city. However, the potential and extent of funding from advertising requires further examination. Also a sponsorship deal could prove to be very attractive for a private sector organisation and could include advertisements on the bikes, naming rights etc. Participation in Galway bikes could be a wonderful opportunity for the right partner to get involved and share in the success of smarter travelling in the city. Optimal procurement approaches will be determined in the context of the best mechanisms to bridge the operational funding gap.
