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Food Labelling

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 March 2012

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Questions (202)

Ann Phelan


205 Deputy Ann Phelan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will introduce legislation that would provide a legal definition in relation to the system of grass fed beef here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17354/12]

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Food labelling, for which the Department of Health has lead responsibility, is governed by EU legislation. Beef labelling in particular is subject to comprehensive regulations concerning the identification of bovines and the labelling of their meat. These provisions were introduced in the wake of the BSE crisis to improve traceability and food security throughout the sector. In addition to establishing a cattle identification and registration system, EU meat labelling rules provide for compulsory and voluntary labelling systems which collectively cover labelling indications on origin, production methods and characteristics.

The compulsory labelling system imposes a legal obligation on food business operators (FBOs) to label beef with specific information at all stages of marketing up to and including the point of sale to the consumer, in order to support effective traceability back to the point of origin. These rules are intended to provide consumers with clear, reliable information about the provenance of fresh, chilled and frozen beef (including veal) sold in the EU. FBOs engaged in marketing beef may also include on their labels additional information complementary to that required under the compulsory labelling system. To this end, Irish FBOs must first submit a specification to my Department for approval. All such applications are examined to ensure that the FBO's traceability control system is capable of verifying the accuracy of the information on the label. Labelling indications approved by my Department include those for beef produced from grass-fed animals.

Given that current legislation permits FBOs to highlight labelling claims related to product characteristics and productions methods, I have no plans to bring forward new statutory rules in this area pending the development of further proposals at EU level.
