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Ministerial Advisers

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 19 July 2012

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Questions (220)

Mary Lou McDonald


220 Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will provide a list of all special advisers appointed by him or his Ministers of State since March 2011 whose salary exceeds the first pay point of the principal officer standard scale; the special advisers names and salaries; salary increases awarded the aforementioned special advisers since March 2011. [36602/12]

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The following tabular statement gives details of the Special Advisor appointments made at my Department when I took office together with details of their current salaries.

Officials at my Department wrote to the Department of Finance at the time of the appointments and requested sanction to place the individuals on a point of the pay scale for the position nearest to their earnings before appointment. They have not received any salary increase since March 2011. In accordance with the terms of the Ethics in Public Office Acts copies of the appointees' contracts of employment together with details of their qualifications were laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas on the 28th, October 2011. The Minister of State does not have the services of a Special Advisor.

Mr. Ruairí Quinn, T.D.

Minister for Education and Skills




John Walshe

Special Adviser


Deirdre Grant

Special Adviser

