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Ministerial Adviser Appointments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Questions (377, 484)

Sean Fleming


377. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number and names of all special advisers, special press advisers, or any other type of ministerial adviser in his Department; the name of the Minister or Minister of State to whom he or she reports; the salary of each adviser now; the salary of each adviser at the time he or she was appointed; if any salary increase was asked for; if it was granted; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37491/12]

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Sean Fleming


484. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Education and Skills the names of special advisors for whom salary increases have been requested; the amount requested; the details of those granted increases and the amount by which they were increased; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40019/12]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 377 and 484 together.

Since I took office I have appointed 2 Special Advisers, a Personal Assistant and a Personal Secretary and the Minister of State at my Department also appointed a Personal Secretary and Personal Assistant. These appointments were in accordance with the revised conditions for Ministerial Appointments as published by the Department of Finance on the 24th, March 2011. The following tabular statement gives details of the Ministerial appointments made at my Department together with details of their current salaries and their salaries when they were appointed. They were placed on the appropriate point of the salary scale proximate to the earnings they were in receipt of in their former employment.

None of the personnel mentioned in the tabular statement has sought additional remuneration and their salary payments are as agreed in their employment contracts which were drafted in accordance with the terms of the Guidelines for Ministerial Appointments as mentioned above. As provided for under the terms of the Ethics in Public Office Acts copies of the appointees' contracts of employment together with details of the Special Advisers qualifications were laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas on the 28th, October 2011.

Mr. Ruairí Quinn, T.D. Minister for Education & Skills




Sept 2012





John Walshe

Special Adviser



Deirdre Grant

Special Adviser



Ian O’Mara

Personal Assistant



Neil Ward

Personal Secretary



Mr. Ciaran Cannon, T.D. Minister of State




Sept 2012





Martina Forde

Personal Assistant



Niamh Lawless

Personal Secretary


