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Higher Education Courses Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 22 November 2012

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Questions (93)

Seán Kyne


93. Deputy Seán Kyne asked the Minister for Education and Skills in recognition of the recent completion and additions of new infrastructure to many of the State supported universities and IT's if a framework exists or will be drawn up to utilise these facilities for short courses, adult learning, skills courses and so forth which would operate outside of normal college hours; and if it is recognised that the revenue raised by such diversification - already a feature of privately owned and run third level institutions could greatly ease the financial pressure on our State supported universities and their full-time students. [52091/12]

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The National Strategy for Higher Education sets out the basis for the development of the higher education sector over the next two decades which, as part of its report, recognised that much greater diversity of funding and institutional activity is required into the future by the sector. The Higher Education Authority (HEA), at my request, is undertaking a study on the sustainability of the current funding system for higher education. An initial report was published last year, which makes it clear that immediate work is required to prepare for a longer term approach to a system that can be maintained through a sustainable funding base which will be able to address the continual expansion of the sector while protecting quality of education. The report also refers to the need for the HEI's to reduce their reliance on State funding and to create alternative sources of income from non governmental sources. The HEA is doing further analysis in this area which will also address the need to realise greater efficiencies from existing infrastructure and resources and will report to me in 2013.
