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Parking Regulations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 December 2012

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Questions (136)

Catherine Murphy


136. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he intends to make provision to allow for the partial review of local authority parking by-laws; if such an arrangement is possible under the Local Government Act of 2001 either in respect of the powers granted to local authorities or by statutory instrument; if he is considering such a proposal with the aim of reducing administrative costs and burdens placed upon local authorities which wish to revise some parking by-laws without having to engage in an entire review process as is the current situation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54670/12]

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The making of pay-parking bye-laws by road authorities, under section 36 of the Road Traffic Act 1994, is a reserved function of each authority. Guidelines issued by the Minister under that section, provide assistance to authorities when making pay-parking bye-laws, including examples of the structure and content of such bye-laws. Where changes are being made to existing bye-laws, other than those relating to fees, new bye-laws must be made. This obliges road authorities to consult with the Garda Commissioner, give public notice of the authority’s intention to make new bye-laws and the consideration of any observations or objections arising from that process. This requirement ensures that any significant changes to pay-parking bye-laws are carried out in an open and transparent way, with the public having the opportunity to be involved in the process. I do not have any plans to alter that requirement.  However, if the Deputy has specific proposals in mind for the changing of this legislation I will, of course, give it due consideration.
