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Garda Deployment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 December 2012

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Questions (98)

Bernard Durkan


98. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the extent to which he continues to monitor the deployment of Garda numbers at various stations throughout the country with a view to ensuring a strong and visible deterrent to all forms of crime but with particular reference to organised criminality; if he will ensure that the network of Garda stations is retained in such a way as to represent best practice in the fight against crime; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54505/12]

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The Deputy will be aware that the Commissioner is responsible for the detailed allocation of resources, including personnel, throughout the organisation and I have no direct function in the matter. This allocation of resources is constantly monitored in the context of crime trends, policing needs and other operational strategies in place on a District, Divisional and Regional level to ensure optimum use is made of Garda resources and the best possible Garda service is provided to the public. The Policing Plan for 2013, which I laid before the House last week, outlines the Commissioner's proposal for the continued re-organisation and consolidation of the Garda station and District network and includes details of station closures and District re-organisation throughout the country. I must stress that the principal aim of this consolidation process is to allow the more efficient deployment of personnel and the more effective delivery of policing services to the public across the country. The Deputy will appreciate that organised crime, by its very nature, is constantly evolving and diversifying in both its structures and activities so as to exploit opportunities for criminal gain. However, I can assure the Deputy that addressing such criminality remains a key ongoing priority for both the Government and for An Garda Síochána.
