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Defence Forces Ombudsman Appointment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 December 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Questions (28)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


28. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the reason the Ombudsman for the Defence Forces will now be a part time position; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54703/12]

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As I indicated in reply to Parliamentary Question No. 4 of 7 November 2012, the office of the Ombudsman is now well established and a number of administrative and systemic issues identified by the outgoing Ombudsman have been addressed. This has contributed to improvements in procedures and policies within the Defence Forces. Recent trends show a significant increase in the number of redress of wrongs complaints being resolved within the military system, thus reducing the number of cases being referred to the Ombudsman for investigation, a fact I very much welcome. In addition, it is anticipated that the new and comprehensive promotion system for NCOs agreed and introduced earlier this year will eliminate the many complaint referrals to the Ombudsman relating to promotion. Such referrals currently account for about a third of the caseload in the Ombudsman’s office. Against this background, the post of Ombudsman for the Defence Forces is being filled on a part time, three day week basis, subject to ongoing review of caseload and referrals. This remains the position.

Question No. 29 answered with Question No. 6.